Chapter 4

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Izumi-chan: hey guys! Please read the author's note at the end, thanks!


"Dragon Slayer?! There are ones other than Natsu? So does that mean he like..eats iron and stuff?" Lucy asked. "Yep, well that's how Dragon Slayers work, I guess." I answered her. "Well, it's getting late. Let's all go to sleep now." Erza suggested.

I was about to get off the bed and onto a chair, until I got pulled by Erza who then hugs me as we were lying on the bed. "Erza, let go of me~" I whined as I struggled against her grasp. She ignored before calling Lucy over to sleep with us, who reluctantly accepted.

For the entire night, I had to sleep between two busty women. How wonderful, note the sarcasm.

On with Chapter 4:


The sun was shining through the window and onto my face, which caused me to wake up first. I immediately escaped the grasp of Erza, who was still strong despite sleeping, and made my way to the bathroom to take a short bath.

After the short bath, I exited in my normal attire, in case either Natsu or Gray is awake and sees me only in a towel, and enter the kitchen to make us all breakfast. As I was cooking, I heard Happy say as he flew into the kitchen. "(Y/n)! What are you cooking? It smells nice~" I just smiled at Happy as I focus back on cooking. "You'll have to wait and see, Happy." I replied.

Not long after, everyone has finally woken up, eaten breakfast and left to go to the guild, or rather, the remnants of the guild. On the way there, we saw a crowd surrounding a big tree in Magnolia Southgate Park. Curious on what was happening, we made our way through the crowd. "Please, let us through. We're from the guild." Erza said as people started to make way for us.

When we finally got close enough, all of us couldn't believe our eyes. Jet, Levy and Droy were hung on the tree by their wrists. I could feel tears brimming my eyes as I stared at my guildmates.

"Somebody get them down from there!""But..." "Look at that mark!" "We'd better steer clear.." I heard them say. I was speechless. I tried to say something but my body won't cooperate with my mind. All I could do was stare the unconscious three with wide eyes and my mouth agape.

'Why..Why are they doing this? Why..' I thought as I felt my knees gave out under me and my tears finally flowing down my face. "Levy-chan!" "Jet! Droy!" I heard Lucy and Gray shout out. "Phantom?!" I heard Natsu say in anger. I heard the crunch of the grass behind us, meaning that someone was walking towards our group. Without even looking, I knew who it was as they placed their hand on my head, comforting me.

"Master.." Erza said. "I can stand being reduced to a run-down beer hall... But no parent can stand idle while the blood of his children is spilled!" Master said seriously as his grasp on his staff tightened, causing it to break as if it was a mere twig.

As he removed his hand on my head, he walked to the front of the group, his back facing us. I could feel his aura getting more powerful as he exclaimed "To war!"


Soon, we managed to send Team Shadow Gear, Levy, Jet and Droy, in the hospital for them to heal and we accidentally left Lucy behind, who was staying back at the hospital for a short while.

The rest of us went back to Fairy Tail to inform the other guild members to prepare for the war that will happen between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord. Once they heard about the war, all of us shouted a war cry, including me who was filled with fury.

Fortunately for us, Phantom Lord was in Magnolia and we managed to make our way their by feet. Once we reached the guild, Natsu walked up to the guild door and blasted it down with his fire magic. This caused a loud sound and a lot of smoke to rise into the atmosphere.

All of us then entered the guild as Master shouted "Fairy Tail!" and we responded with a war cry of our own.


Izumi-chan: Hello guys! For some reason, i planned to make another story some other day,, idk when but it'll go something like this:

-reader WAS an outcast/friend with benefit in middle school but not in high school
-she still thinks she is, but she is not.
-she actually has a great group of friends who actually loves and cares for her.
- ...and life goes on

If you want this story to be published someday, please comment on this part of the story. If you don't want this to be published, you can not comment at all. I need at least 5 agreements for the confirmation of the publish and then we'll move on to which anime it will be. Thanks guys!

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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