Chapter 3

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"I suppose I must. Shall we take a bath together like we used to long ago?" Erza suggested as I deadpanned at the memory. "What kind of relationship do you guys have?!" Lucy asked as she was blushing hard.

"I don't think you want to know, Lucy.." I answered.

On with Chapter 3:


After taking a bath with Erza (it was a nightmare, she won't stop looking at my body), I was sitting on Lucy's bed in my pajamas while Erza was still covered with a towel. Lucy then came out of the bathroom wearing a white shirt and pink pants as she called out "Okay, Natsu.. You can use it next."

However, Natsu was already asleep with his head on the table with Happy beside him eating a fish. Lucy then moved onto Gray "How about you, Gray?" she said. Gray then just hummed a reply as he was reading something from a stack of papers.

Erza then began to sigh, "That was a nice bath." she said. "Erza,even.. They've all made themselves way too much at home... Is (Y/n) the only normal person here?" I heard Lucy say. I looked at Lucy from whatever I was doing and gave her a small smile.

"Oh, pardon me." Erza said before requips into her pajamas. "Nothing wrong with this, yes?" she asked. "Nope, its fine, Erza." I replied Erza. Not long after, Lucy sat down on a chair and Erza and I sat on her bed comfortably.

"I wonder why Phantom suddenly attacked?" Lucy questioned the two of us since we were the only ones paying attention to her. "Who knows?" I said. "We've had a lot of smaller skirmishes before this, but never a direct attack." I added as I leaned back a little and looked at the ceiling.

"How do you know all of this, (Y/n)? Have you been in this guild that long?" Lucy asked with curiosity. I looked back at Lucy and gave a small smile as I answered. "I've been in Fairy Tail as long as Erza has. But I joined only a few weeks later than her." Lucy looked slightly shocked at my answer but still nodded in understanding.

Natsu then began to talk "If Gramps weren't such a scaredy-cat we could just destroy the punks!" Lucy then sweatdropped "You're awake?" she responded. "Gramps isn't scared." Gray pointed out from his seat. "He's one of the Ten Wizard Saints, you know." He added. As all of us were looking at Gray as he was speaking, Lucy then stood up from her seat abruptly as she made her way towards Gray.

"What do you think you're reading so nonchalantly?" she exclaimed with a red face before snatching the stack of papers from Gray's hands. "Hey! I wanna know what happens next!" Gray retaliated. "No! Levy-chan is going to be my first reader. It's already been decided." I wonder who's going to be my first reader hm?

Erza then put her hand out, as if wanting to take the stack of papers as well. I just sweatdropped at her actions. "And what's that hand for, huh?" Lucy asked rhetorically. "Anyway, you mentioned Ten Wizard Saints?" she asked, quickly changing the subject.

"It's a title bestowed by the Chairman of the Magic Council to the greatest ten wizards on the continent." Erza explained. "Oh, wow!" Lucy exclaimed. "The master of Phantom, Jose, is also one of them." Happy stated, still enjoying the fishes that I prepared.

Natsu then stood up abruptly as he slammed his palm onto the table gently  "He is scared! The only thing Phantom's got are numbers!" he said with a scowl on his face. "That's not true, you know." Gray said. "The master and Mira-chan want to avoid a fight because they know the consequences of two guild battling each other." he added.

"Also, it's to help to preserve the peace of the entire world of magic!" I completed Gray's sentence as he forgot that point. "Is Phantom really that amazing?" Lucy questioned. However, Natsu being as cocky as he always is, responded "Those guys ain't nothing!"

"No... If it came to blows, mutual destruction is ensured. Our offensive powers are about equal." Erza explained. "Master Makarov is said to be on par with Master Jose, also one of the ten wizard saints. Then there are the Element 4, they're S-class level wizards. Our biggest worry is Black Steel Gajeel. He's the one I believe is responsible for the attack on the guild. The Iron Dragon Slayer."

"Dragon Slayer?! There are ones other than Natsu? So does that mean he like..eats iron and stuff?" Lucy asked. "Yep, well that's how Dragon Slayers work, I guess." I answered her. "Well, it's getting late. Let's all go to sleep now." Erza suggested.

I was about to get off the bed and onto a chair, until I got pulled by Erza who then hugs me as we were lying on the bed. "Erza, let go of me~" I whined as I struggled against her grasp. She ignored before calling Lucy over to sleep with us, who reluctantly accepted.

For the entire night, I had to sleep between two busty women. How wonderful, note the sarcasm.


Izumi-chan: I almost forgot I had this story lol

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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