Chapter 7

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As the dark energy grew bigger, Erza shouted "Get down!" Natsu tried to stop her but got held back by Gray. "Erza!" "Natsu! All we can do is believe in her!" Gray shouted at Natsu.

Suddenly, the cannon fired and the dark energy was shot towards us. 'Oh no..' I thought as I saw the attack coming our way.

On with Chapter 7:


Erza put her two shields together and created a huge magic circle in front of it. The dark energy was blocked by the magic glyps and caused a strong wind to come our way instead.

I saw Erza's armor breaking due to the force of the dark energy. Soon, her whole armor broke and she was thrown back. "Erza!" I shouted as I immediately ran towards her body. Fortunately, she stopped the shot.

I kneeled down beside her and brought her close. Erza was panting heavily as she was in her normal clothes. Natsu then ran towards us and said "Erza, hang in there!" I then heard a voice come out from the Phantom Lord guild.

"Makarov. And now Erza as well. Both are out of commission." The voice, who I guessed is Jose, said. I clenched my teeth at his words as a scowl was present on my face. "You no longer have a chance for victory. Hand over Lucy Heartfilia. Right now." it added.

"Not on your life!" "Are we a guild that hands over our friends? I don't think so!" "Lucy is one of us!" Alzack, Bisca and Macao talked back. The other guild members than followed as well, including me.

"Hand her over." Jose said threateningly. I looked towards Lucy and saw that she began crying. My expression softened as I handed Erza over to Mirajane, who was already kneeling beside me, ran towards Lucy. "Lucy!" I called out to her. "We'd rather die than sell out our friends!" I heard Erza shout.

"They're right, you know." I said from beside Lucy. She looked towards me with shock. "Don't feel guilty, Lucy. We're a family, so we protect each other." I said. "Our answer will never change, no matter what! We will kick your ass!" I heard Natsu shout as well.

Lucy than began crying even more and pulled me into a hug. I patted her back, trying to comfort her. Suddenly, Jose talked. "Then you'll get a second extra-large helping of Jupiter! Quiver in fear for the 15 minutes it takes to charge!"

The whole guild then became quiet. "What?" "Jupiter.." "They're gonna shoot it again?" I heard the words of some of the members. Suddenly, cloaked figures flew out of the walking guild. "Stare into the pits of hell, Fairy Tail! You only have two choices left. Be destroyed by my troops. Or be blown away by Jupiter!" Jose said.

When I looked closer at the cloaked figures, I noticed that they weren't human. They're instead phantom soldiers. 'Is this his magic?' I asked myself. "We have to do something about Jupiter." I heard Cana say.

"I'll bust it to pieces!" Natsu exclaimed. "15 minutes, right? Let me at it!" Natsu said before running off and calling for Happy. Natsu jumped high and Happy grabbed onto Natsu's vest, making him fly towards the enemy guild.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Gray call out. "Come with us! We need your help to go towards the guild." he added, I nodded my head and headed towards the edge of the land. I used my water magic to make a water bridge which Gray froze for us to slide on.


We managed to reach the building, which turned into a rock giant(?) instead. Upon reaching there, we saw Natsu on the floor, about to throw up due to the building-giant-thing moving and the enemy shouting "I'll blow you to bits, Dragon Slayer!"

I was quick enough to use Water Lock to disable the attack. Gray then froze the sphere-shaped water before it was Elfman's turn. "If you're a to the heavens and become a star!" Elfman shouted as he punched the man to...somewhere.

"You guys..." "Too cool! (Y/n), Gray, Elfman!" Happy cheered. "Natsu-san is so pitiful, isn't he." Gray said. "If you're a man, then you should make the car sick." Elfman said. "What does that supposed to mean?" I muttered under my breath.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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