Chapter 11

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Izumi-chan: ahem ahem for @suishouandkumiko ahem ahem



Not long after, a familiar voice was heard. "Members of Fairy Tail! Listen closely to this!" suddenly, we heard a scream of pain through the speakers. "--That voice!" "Lucy?!" "Oh, no..!"the three said.

"We have captured Lucy. That's right. Our first goal has been achieved. That leaves us with our one other goal... Destroying all of you pathetic brats!"

On with Chapter 11:


Mirajane, Elfman and Gray then moved forward towards another area and found Erza sitting on the floor, leaning against a pillar. "Erza!" Mirajane exclaimed, causing the said person to look towards them. "Erza!" Gray said. "This place has been trashed too...!" Elfman stated.

"Guys.." Erza said tiredly. "When did you get here?" Gray asked. "You should be lying down!" Mirajane added. Elfman then noticed something beside them and turned to the side. "H-Hey!" he exclaimed as Gray and Mirajane looked at him and followed his line of sight.

They saw the strongest of the Element 4, Aria, on the floor, unconscious. "Aria..?" Mirajane questioned. "Don't tell me you fought in your condition?!" Elfman asked with disbelief. "What were you thinking?! Wait..." Gray asked with worry.

"Did you beat Aria?!" Mirajane questioned. Instead of answering directly, Erza said "I never thought you'd see me in such a deplorable state... I guess I still have a long way to go..."

Suddenly, the atmosphere turned ominous. "What the...?!" "What is this?!" "I sense death!" Gray, Mirajane and Erza exclaimed after sensing the threatening feeling. "What is this feeling?!" Gray questioned. "It's giving me chills, despite my manliness!" Elfman commented. "The air is filled with evil energy!" Mirajane pointed out.

Suddenly, they heard slow clapping behind them. "That was truly impressive, my Fairy Tail wizards. To be honest, I never imagines you would entertain me this  much. To think that you would destroy the Jupiter, take down the Element 4, and bring my magic giant to its knees..." Jose said as a purple aura outlined his body.

"Master Jose!" "--He's.." "-...Phantom's master?!" Mirajane covered her mouth in shock as her other hand was used to support (Y/n) on her back. Then, she felt movement from the latter. "Mira, please put me down.." (Y/n) said as she opened her eyes and glared at the master in front of them.


I finally opened my eyes after listening to their conversation. I had woken up right when Master Jose entered the room but didn't interrupt because it seemed to be at the wrong time. "No, (Y/n)! I'm not letting you get even more injured." Mira answered me.

"Please Mira, I want to fight. I want to help. I don't care if I get even more hurt. It's unfair for Elfman and Gray to do all the work here.. so please Mira.." I pleaded as I tried to escape from her grasp. Mirajane was still hesitant but still let go of you because nothing would stop you from fighting along side with your comrades.

I stood beside Elfman and lifted my hand up and a magic circle appeared. Gray noticed my presence and shouted out "Elfman, (Y/n)!" we answered with "Yeah!" as I started to prepare my magic.

"Return it in full..." Jose muttered under his breath as he lifted his hand in front of his face. As the three of us jumped towards him and were about to land our attacks on Jose, Erza shouted "Wait! Don't be hasty!" but it was too late.

Before our attacks could land on him, Jose lifted his hand above his head and said "How absurd!" as a purple magic circle appeared in front of him and shot out purple 'goo' out of it.

The 'goo' hit us and we landed far from Jose. "Elfman! Gray! (Y/n)!" I heard Mira shout with concern. I had difficulty getting up, even little movements hurt a lot. But I saw what was happening. Jose started to cast more spells and Erza requip into her Black Wing Armor and rushed towards Jose.

She swung her sword towards Jose but her hand was caught. Jose then swung Erza away but Erza managed to land nicely and jumped back. "As I recall, you took a full blast from the Jupiter. How are you able to stand now?" Jose questioned Erza who stood opposite from him.

"My friends give me inner strength. I will gladly sacrifice myself to help those I love!" Erza answered. "Strong, dauntless, and beautiful... Destroying you will be a real treat.." Jose commented with a creepy wide smile.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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