Chapter 15

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"She triggered the war, you say?! The daughter of the Heartfilia family, you say?! Just as flowers can't choose where to bloom.. children can't choose their parents!" Erza's eyes widened as she saw me shout. She, along with the other Fairy Tail members, has seen me as a quiet and shy girl.

Erza smiled at me before trying to attack Jose who was caught off guard once again as she shouted "What would you know about Lucy and the tears she's shed?!". I tried to release myself from the binds as Jose was distracted.

On with Chapter 15:


Jose then smirked as he said "I'll find out soon enough! Do you think I'm going to hand the girl over to her father like that? I'm going to keep her like a pet until I've bled him dry. I will have all of the Heartfilia fortune!"

The binds then tightened around me, prevent me from escaping. "Curse you!" Erza said as she still tried to attack Jose. "I wouldn't struggle if I were you. You'll only make things worse." Jose said as he summoned more of the shadows.

Suddenly, one of the shadows went in front of me and started to suck the life out of me. I screamed as my life was drained out from my body. "Now then! Let's get this cruel show underway! I'm going to let the Fairy Tail riffraff get a good look at you, Water Fairy." Jose said as Erza kept trying to attack him, but instead gets pushed back.

"The rest of the scum will surely surrender once they see you in your pitiable state!" Jose added. I was about to say something but instead another scream came out. "You're loathsome to the core!" Erza said.

"And you're about to become a loathsome spectacle." Jose stated. Erza was now on the ground, exhausted and in pain. I looked at the scene in front of me and tried to change it by struggling once again, but instead it got a scream out of me.

'I refuse to drag my fellow wizards down with me.. I leave the rest to you..Natsu..' I thought as I saw Erza's sword behind my back, about to pierce me. I closed my eyes as I waited for what's about to happen.

My eyes were still closed, still waiting. I opened my eyes to see that I was still alive and the fact that the sword was so close to my body I could feel it against my skin. Suddenly, thunder roared and I was released from the binds. Instead of the shadows around my figure, I was surrounded by a white aura as it fixed my outfit and healed my injuries and soon was brought down to the ground.

"This is..." I said as I saw that Erza too received the same treatment. Jose brought his hands down as he stared at the figure that was descending from the sky. Jose then smirked as Erza and I looked at the figure.

"Much blood has been shed... Children's blood... Children have suffered and shed tears because of their uncouth parents..." he said as he stood on top of a pile of debris. I was now by Erza's side. "On both  sides. But it had gone far enough. This must be ended!"

I wiped my tears as I looked back at the figure on top of the pile. "Master!" Erza and I called out with relief. Jose and Master stared at each other until Jose brought his fist in front of him as his eyes were closed. As he opened his eyes, it was only a black iris with a yellow pupil as the pieces of rocks on the floor were floating upwards and the ground shook.

"You wish for a catastrophe then?" Jose asked as his voice turned menacing. Makarov clenched his fist and an orb appeared on his index and middle finger. "If it's for my guild's sake, then yes..!" Makarov replied as the ground began to shook harder.


Izumi-chan: Honestly, I want to create a Twitter/Instagram account just for Wattpad lmao. So that I could update you guys about my stories or votings or my schedule idk. Should I???

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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