Chapter 24

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Izumi-chan: so far i've only gone through the Freshman Orientation Programme for 3 days and I so tireddd T^T . Class is going to start next week, and my building will be on top of a hill omg it will be leg day everyday. I got into an IT class, and everyone either play games, watch anime, or watch korean drama. I found my people T^T



I raised an eyebrow at the group of angry girls in front of me. They were still staring dead into me as they waited for an explanation. Calmly, I said "Don't worry, I don't have much of a connection with Loke." before taking a sip of my drink.

On with Chapter 24:


After Lucy ran away from the group of fangirls, we ended up in the sole public bath in Magnolia. It's renowned for regenerating magical power as it relieves fatigue.

Lucy and I had just finished taking a bath and are now exiting it with our toiletries in hand. "Using the public bath once in a while sure is nice! Nothing beats soaking in a huge bath!" Lucy pointed out. "Yeah! I should use it more often." I admitted. 

Suddenly, Loke appeared out of nowhere. "Uh, well this is awkward.. I'll just go home now, see you tomorrow, Lucy!" I said before running towards my home

"I wonder what happened to Lucy at the spa though.." I mumbled to myself as I was walking home. "Was it because of Loke? Did he do something to her?!" I shouted out of the blue to myself.

I realized that I was around houses, and that I just shouted to myself. I quickly ran towards the direction of my home in embarrassment, hoping that no one decided to look outside their window and to think that I was a crazy person.

Suddenly, I heard a pair of footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned around to see who was following me. 'Pretty sure someone was following me..'

I started to walk again, and once again, I heard footsteps. Then I started to walk faster, and faster, and faster. The stalker did the same thing too.

Before the stalker knew it, I quickly turned around towards the direction of the stalker and made a whip with my water.

Before the water whip could hit the stalker, he was kicked away by Erza, who came out of nowhere. I sweatdropped when I saw the stalker flew through the air away from us.

"(Y/n), we have a problem!" Erza exclaimed. "Loke's gone and left Fairy Tail!" 

"Huh?! Why?" I questioned in disbelief. "We don't know! Everyone's searching for him. Also, he's been acting totally weird lately." Erza explained.

"I'll go search this side, you search the other." I instructed Erza before heading going to search for Loke. "Loke! Where are you?" I shouted as I heard other people's shouting too.


The next day, Loke came back to Fairy Tail and we were told that he was actually a Celestial Spirit. "A spirit?" I questioned. "You're a spirit, Loke?" Happy asked. "Yup, that's the deal." Loke said as he rubbed the back of his head. 

"So that weird feeling when we switched places that time was from that!" Natsu pointed out as he was observing Loke from head to tea and from every angle he could. "Yup, that's what it was." Loke replied. "I didn't notice at all!" Gray admitted.

"But wait... You're not a cow or a horse or nothin'." Natsu pointed out. Loke then began to point out that Virgo, another celestial spirit, was not an animal too and has a human form. Natsu then added that Virgo could turn into a gorilla, which Loke agreed to.

"Loke's the Lion Spirit." Lucy explained, causing Natsu and Happy to be surprised. Happy then went onto Loke's shoulders and started to admire him, I think. I can't tell what the drool coming out of Happy's mouth and onto Loke's shoulder meant...

"But are you feeling okay?" I asked him from my place beside Lucy. "I'm not 100% yet, but I figured I'd come to say hi to everyone." said Loke.

"And I wanted to see Lucy again as soon as possible." he added. "Aw, how cute!" I teased Lucy with a grin on my face as Happy went "He liiiiiikes you!"

Suddenly, Loke went towards us and picked up Lucy bridal style. "So let's talk, you and I, about the future!" Loke said as their figures began to get further and further, with Lucy struggling to get out of his arms of course.

"Man, I'm jealous. I wish I had a spirit." "What kind of spirit?" "A dragon, duh! Then I could test out my Dragon Slayer magic for real!" was the conversation between Natsu and Happy. Lucy, who somehow got out of Loke's arms, scolded the both of them, saying that spirits aren't things you summon to test your strength.

Loke then suddenly tried to flirt with Lucy, who of course pushed him away by making him go back to the celestialspirit world. I just sat at the bar and rested my head on my palm and smiled at them.

'I'm glad that everyone is getting along well. Lucy was down not long ago and Loke was scared of Lucy.' I thought.

Before Loke went back to the celestial spirit world, he gave Lucy 5 tickets. To where? "Tickets for a resort hotel." Loke explained. "You guys really helped me out a lot." 

While everyone was freaking out about it, Loke calmly gave a ticket to me. "Hey, (Y/n)." he called out and I looked up at him. "Please take care of Lucy for me. I've known you for awhile now, and I know you can protect her for me. And honestly, I'm gonna miss being around you guys." Loke said before placing his hand on my head and ruffling my hair.

I giggled and nodded my head after he removed his hand. "I'll miss you too, Loke." I admitted. Loke then gave the remaining tickets to the 4 of them.

"Hey, people! What are you standing around for?" We all turned towards the familiar voice to see Erza already prepared for the trip. "Want me to leave you behind?" she teased.

Natsu said that they should go now, and he would just head there with the outfit that he was already wearing. Gray then argued that he still has to pack a little, which I internally asked him why because he is still going to strip at some point of time.

"Me too! I need to pack some stuff before we go off!" I said before heading to my home which was fortunately nearby. I quickly grabbed some stuff I'll need and rushed back to the guild. 

Thankfully they were still there. "So, Erza..." Lucy started "If..If someone here was hurt or lost their life because of me, I think I'd suffer a lot like Loke. But, it's okay. Because if we all work together, we can overcome any trouble we might have, right?" said Lucy.

"You couldn't have said it better." replied Erza. "Hey, let's hurry and go!" "Let's party all day and night, non-stop!" "It's a favor from Loke, so we're going to have lots of fun!" 

"Aye sir!" we all exclaimed before excitedly exiting the guild.


Izumi-chan: can you guys like, suggest me some animes/plots you want me to write about? its not gonna be confirmed that i will definitely write about it, i just need something to think about during my classes lol. class hasnt even started yet and im already planning on daydreaming in it. gg to my 4.0 gpa

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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