Chapter 29

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"I found an entrance underwater." Speak of the devil..

"For real? Good work!" Gray praised Juvia.

"I was praised! Not you, but I, Juvia!" Juvia said loudly to Lucy and for some reason, me. I was confused and all I did was nod.

On with Chapter 29:


"It's approximately a 10-minute dive." Juvia informed us.

"That's nothing!" "Child's play!" Natsu and Gray said. "No way! It's impossible!" Lucy pointed out.

I then started to make a Water Bubble. "You guys can wear this. Oxygen is trapped in this watery shell, so that you can breathe underwater." I informed them.

"You're awesome, (Y/n)!" Natsu praised me. "Great thinking!" Gray praised as well. I smiled in response but it soon dropped and I shuddered when I felt someone glaring at the back of my head.

I turned to where I felt the glare from and saw that it was from Juvia. I raised an eyebrow at her as I stared at her curiously. 'What did I do?' I thought before making more Water Bubbles for the rest while they changed into their swimsuits.

Once we were all ready, we went underwater and swam. Meanwhile, Juvia and I used Water Body《I think?》.

"So, this is the tower's foundation." Gray pointed out once we got out of the water. "Where are Erza and Happy?" Natsu questioned.

"It's a bit tacky, but these things sure are convenient." Lucy commented about the Water Bubble. Juvia immediately went to glare at Lucy and said "Lucy-san's was made a bit smaller. I'm impressed that you made it."

Ah, about that, Juvia volunteered to make Lucy's Water Bubble before we swam. 'So that's why she volunteered..' I sweatdropped.

Soon, a guard riding on, whatever that eyeless and hairless creature is, flew above us and exclaimed "Intruders!".

Soon, a lot of them came running in from the bridgesbetween the pillars that were present in the area. "Who are you?!" one of the guards exclaimed.

"Since it comes to this, guess there's no other way!" Gray stated. "Right!" Juvia responded.

"You want to know who we are?" Natsu asked in a menacing voice as his body started to heat up. "Your accomplices attacked us and yet you don't even know?!" Natsu said before he basically caused an explosion before all of us jumped up to attack the guards.

 "We're Fairy Tail, you dumbass!" Natsu exclaimed once again before all of us went to attack.

I landed on one of the platforms a few levels up and began to stare at the guards. "Is she afraid to attack?" "Hah, everyone, attack her!" A couple of the guards said before everyone started to charge towards me.

All of them attacked me, well, tried to as their blades went through me. "Watch out! Blades don't hurt her!" one of them shouted. Soon, guns were fired, "How about this?" "Take this!"

However, the laser bullets just went through me. "What the hell is with this woman?" They then started to freak out while I used my water magic to push some of them off the platform.

I grinned as I looked at the rest of the guards that were shaking in their boots before attacking them. 《no mercy (Y/n)-chan》

Not long after, all of the guards in the area have been defeated.

"We're mostly finished here." I stated. "That so?" Gray asked. "After making so much noise, will we be all right? Oh, who am I kidding?" Lucy panicked while Virgo asked "Do I need to be punished?"

"Where's that blockhead?" Natsu asked one of the guards as the guards was lifted by his collar.

Before we were answered, a stone wall from a statue above us was opened and a platform was slid down from it.

"This is?" Natsu questioned. "They're inviting us in?" Gray assumed.

Then, we made our way further into the building.


Izumi-chan: I just realized that I'm going overseas next week and not this week, whoops.

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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