Chapter 9

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'Hold on, a girl named Juvia with blue hair and can use water magic? Also, she talks in third person? It can't be..' I thought as moved stealthily as a puddle and turned back into a human beside Gray, who was stripping.

"Nee...-san?" I questioned as I look at her with wide eyes. I recognized the doll on her coat to be a teru teru bōzu . I made one for my sister before she was gone. She looked at me with the same expression as me. "(Y/n)?" she asked.

On with Chapter 9:


"N-Nee-san, you're fine?" I stuttered. I wanted to cry at that moment. I finally found my sister. I thought something terrible happened to her when we were young 《hopefully you read the prologue..》. " 'Nee-san'? (Y/n), she's your sister? Why didn't you tell us?" Gray asked.

"I didn't want to talk about it. It was an experience that would just make me breakdown at that moment." I replied. "Anyways, nee-san, can you let us through?" I asked. "(Y/n), although you're my little sister, I can't let you and your friend pass me. I can't let you hurt my savior." Juvia replied.

" 'Savior?' " Gray questioned. Juvia then nodded while answering "Yes. When we were playing hide and seek, I got captured. I was kept to be their maid for a few years until Jose saved me from them and I joined his guild."

I tried to reason with Juvia more until Gray then spoke up "I don't want to frighten a woman, but you'd better surrender immediately. Otherwise you're gonna get hurt." he said before he activated his ice make. "Ice Make Lance!" he exclaimed as multiple ice lances came out from his magic circle.

The lance however went through Juvia's body because, like me, she could turn her body into water. The next few moments were us trying to defeat my sister 《 I got lazy》. It's heartbreaking to hurt my own sister but I had no other choice.

Juvia then got angry as she exclaimed "Juvia had no need for love anymore!" as she shot a big and strong body of water towards us, like Jupiter, but much weaker. Gray tried to freeze it but was unable to and instead gets pushed to the back. I managed to swim against the pressure of the water and attack Juvia, causing her to stop her attack and to make Gray land on the ground.

She then used Sierra, a full body transformation, as she pushed me aside roughly and to head towards Gray, who blocks her with an ice shield. I ended up landing onto a roof of a building and slid down because it was slippery. Gray then used his ice to freeze the water and unintentionally the rain. Juvia however, managed to survive. I saw all of this from my position which was at the ledge of the guild, hanging on for my dear life.

I looked down to see the ocean. I could use my magic to make a soft landing but I was too tired to do so. Suddenly, I see Juvia falling towards my direction. She is going to fall into the ocean! I extended my arm and managed to catch her hand. Juvia looked up at me with shock as I struggled with my other hand.

With the added weight, I hand was getting tired of holding on and the expected happened, I let go. I closed my eyes to brace for impact but instead feel a hand grabbing mine. I looked up to see Gray holding onto my hand. "Gray!" I exclaimed.

Gray then managed to pulled us up and we managed to get back to where we were. Juvia and I lay on the ground while Gray sat beside us. "Why did you save Juvia?" Juvia asked. "Beats me. Anyway, get some sleep." Gray said. That was the last thing I heard before falling into deep sleep.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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