Chapter 36

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And we hoped right. We saw Natsu carrying Erza bridal style.

"Erza!" We all shouted as we ran towards the two who were now standing in the shallow part of the sea. Some of us were happy, some of us were worriedm and some of us were crying.

When Erza stood up straight, I literally launched myself towards her by using my magic and tackled her back into the water (with a hug of course) with the others following my actions.

On to Chapter 36:



Natsu was resting on the bed with bandages all over his body, after I healed him as much as I can. He was snoring very loudly while taking up basically the entire bed.

Erza too was covered in bandages, but she was awake and drinking her tea with us as we were sitting by Natsu.

"Is he okay?" Gray asked with slight concern in his voice. "He's slept for three days straight.." Lucy commented.

"He has... he just needs a lot of rest." I said before taking a sip of my drink.

"That's what the freak gets for eating Etherion." Gray said before Natsu suddenly woke up from his slumber to shout "What'd you just say, Gray?!" and then went back to sleep.

"If you don't have it in you to pick a fight, then don't get up!" Gray shouted back.

"I really caused everyone a lot of trouble this time, didn't I?" Erza said for the umpteenth time. "Come on, how many times have you said that already?" Lucy said.

"Speaking of which, what happened to her?" Erza asked as she turned towards Gray. "Oh, you mean Juvia? She's headed back already. She said something about wanting to join Fairy Tail as soon as possible, or something..."

"I see..." Erza said.


Erza went to talk to Sho, Wally and Millianna at the beach.  Meanwhile, we were asking the staffs of the theme park to prepare us a feast on the balcony.

Lucy tried asking first, even using her charms, but it didn't work.. so I (reluctantly) tried to ask them instead while using my cuteness/beauty/power (whatever you want) and it worked. I then smiled innocently towards Lucy as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

A few hours later, we had the feast altogether and some of us did some "entertainment" while eating, for example Natsu using his fire power. Wally even decided to do some flirting to me.. but was caught and scolded by Erza in the end.

After eating, I went to my room to relax when suddenly Lucy opened my door. "(Y/n)! Help me get Natsu and Gray! Erza told us to prepare the 'fireworks'. " Lucy said

"Oh? Fireworks?" I smirked. "I'll get Gray. You'll get Natsu." I said before exiting my room and going to Gray's room to inform him about the plan. He had the same reaction as me when I told him about it.

The 4 of us then went to find Erza. We saw her at the beach with Wally, Sho and Millianna with a boat beside them. We then hid nearby and listened to Erza and waited for the cue.

"If you keep that strong will, you can accomplish anything. It reassures me." Erza said before changing into the Farewell Fairy Tail Armor, "However, there are conditions for anyone who leaves Fairy Tail! Listen well."

"Leave? But we never even joined.." I heard Wally said faintly.

"One! You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live! Two! You must not have unauthorized contact with past clients or profit personally for them!"

"Three! Even if we walk different paths, one must live on as strong as you are able! You must never treat you own life as something insignificant!" By now, tears have started to flow down Erza's face, "You must never forget the friends you have for as long as you live!"

As Erza's speech ended, Wally, Sho and Millianna started to cry too.

Erza then raised the flag she had in her left hand, "Begin the Fairy Tail Farewell Ceremony!" That's our cue.

We then got out of our hiding spots and began to shoot our magic into the sky to create our 'fireworks'.

"Let bloom the flower of light within your hearts." Erza said before her 3 childhood friends got into the boat and began to make their way into sea.



Izumi-san: Thank you for reading The Water Fairy! I'm sorry if it was not what you wanted or it got boring towards the end etc etc. I'm sorry for making a lot of you wait for the next chapter! I was stressing so hard on school and the next school year is gonna start next week with a new class and new people and new subject oh no..

To be honest, I almost didn't want to update because I was hurt by my friend's actions.. but I guess that's life huh?

After this story, I'm gonna pre-write(most likely not) new stories (mostly Sabertooth Goddess 2 ;) ) 


Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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