Chapter 33

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Izumi-san: i guess its one chapter per week then



"I won't let anyone nee-san! I will defeat Jellal myself!" Sho said before turning and running away with Erza.

"Stop this! It's impossible alone!" Simon shouted as he ran after Sho.

Not long after, the rest of us decided we should split up to find Sho and save Erza. Julia and Lucy went to one direction and I went with Gray to the other

On with Chapter 33:


I was running down a path with Gray towards... somewhere. Not gonna lie, even I don't know where we are heading. "Do you know where are we even heading, Gray?" I asked as we continued running. "To be honest, no, but I have a feeling that we are heading the right way." He answered me. I was slightly doubting his choice but continued to follow him.

'I hope Erza is fine..' I thought as I remembered about the time when i first joined Fairy Tail.

FLASHBACK 《have i ever done a flashback for (y/n)?》


"Everyone, this here is (Y/n), and she will be a part of Fairy Tail from now on. Please treat her well."  Master Makarov said as he introduced (Y/n) to the guild.

"Hey (Y/n), fight me!" A young Natsu said as he jumped towards (Y/n) out of nowhere. (Y/n) closed her eyes and braced for impact, but felt nothing. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a girl with red hair and armor in front of her.

"Don't attack her, idiot. She just got here." the young Erza said.《i dont remember young erza's personality sorry》

"Y-yes, ma'am..."  young Natsu said as he rubbed his head at where Erza had hit him.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Erza asked as she turned towards (Y/n) who was looking up at her curiously. (Y/n) hesitantly nodded her before standing up and wiping the dust off of her clothes.

"Do you have a place to stay? You can stay with me if you want." Erza offered. Despite only being in the guild and knowing each other for less than a day, (Y/n) accepted the offer since she felt the sense of trust in Erza.


By the time I finished thinking about my past, Gray and I ended up finding an entrance to a room filled with hanging bird cages. We saw Simon, Happy, and this weird Owl man, but where's Natsu?

Both of us then jumped down to help them. I looked at the Owl man to see him swallowing(?) someone halfway. Simon turns towards us slightly, "Gray, (Y/n).." he said

"Is that.. Natsu?" I asked with shock as I recognized the pants and shoes. "What's going on?" Gray asked as we saw Natsu's bottom half disappear into the Owl man.

"He's being eaten whole?!" Happy exclaimed. "I digest the magical power of people I feed on!" the Owl man explained. Happy then flew towards the Owl with tears in the corner of his eyes, "Give back Natsu!" he demanded.

The Owl man then turns and chuckles with a shadow casting on his face, "Fire hoo-hoo-hoot!" he said as he did a Fire Dragon Roar at Happy.

"Happy!" I shouted as I jumped from cage to cage towards the now injured Happy.

"He's digesting Salamander's magical power and taking it for himself?" I heard Simon point out. "How do you like that -hoo?!" he said and I noticed that he had Natsu's fringe on his head. "The final blow!" he exclaimed before heading towards me and Happy with a fire on his fist.

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