Chapter 13

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"Lucy.." Happy called out as he gripped onto Lucy's boot. " Natsu hasn't given up yet...!" Happy added as he himself had tears flowing from his eyes.

"Your guild's been destroyed. You lose." Gajeel said. Natsu lifted his arm, wanting to punch Gajeel but he just froze there. Gajeel took this opportunity to punch Natsu into a wall. Natsu slid down the wall onto his knees and fall onto the ground face first.

On with Chapter 13:


Lucy covered her face with her hands as she cried into it. 'But... I can't let this go on..!' She thought as she cried. Natsu once again tried to get up but struggled. "Just stay down, Salamander. I'm not fond of the phrase "holding back", you see.." Gajeel said as he walked towards Natsu with his eyes glowing in red.

"Don't blame me for whatever happens..." he added. "He used up too much of his magic destroying the Jupiter and fighting the Element 4.. Natsu wouldn't lose if only he had fire to eat!" Happy cried,

However, Gajeel picked up Natsu by the scarf and said "There you have it. What a shame, too." Sagittarius then stepped in. "I see. It seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding, moshi-moshi." he said as he aimed an arrow at the two dragon slayers' way.

Lucy and Happy were shocked at Sagittarius' actions. "You asked if I can shoot fire, thus I answered "no.". However, it seems shooting fire is not the key hero..but fire itself, correct, moshi-moshi?" he shot his arrow before Gajeel managed to attack Natsu again.

His arrows then hit a machine that was present there, which caused electricity to be 'leaked out'. Before Gajeel and Natsu could escape, the machine exploded. "Fire!" Happy shouted. "You made fire by blowing up the machinery!" Lucy stated.

"Depending on how it is shot, it is possible to make an arrow pierce or destroy an object, moshi-moshi." Sagittarius explained. "What is that horse thing?!" Gajeel questioned as he finally noticed the celestial spirit.

"Wow! You're a real archery master, Sagittarius!" Lucy complimented. Sagittarius saluted and responded with a "Yes, moshi-moshi." Happy then asked "Just what are you saluting to?"

Suddenly, the fire from the explosion was being consumed by Natsu. "Now that's a a meal.. Thanks, Lucy..." Natsu said as he gave a thumbs up. Lucy then returned with a thumbs up of her own. Gajeel then began running towards Natsu as he said "Don't get cocky just 'cause you ate some fire!"

Before Gajeel managed to land a hit on Natsu, the latter sent a short glare before punching Gajeel away with fire covering his fists. "All right!" Lucy exclaimed. "Now he's at full power!" Happy exclaimed as he lifted his paw up.

The fight went on until we had a victor, Natsu. By the time the fight ended, Gajeel was covered in scratches and bruises as he laid on a big piece of rubble. Happy carried Lucy out of the giant which is slowly collapsing, and Natsu dropped onto his back from exhaustion. "Pretty much can't move after that..." he said as he was covered in lesser scratches and bruises compared to Gajeel.

Lucy being worried, said "Sheesh...He sure knows how to go overboard.." "Aye! That's Natsu for you!" Happy responded. Natsu himself responded with a huge grin on his face.


Erza was still fighting Jose as the giant was collapsing. "What an unruly dragon." Jose said. Erza panted for awhile before answering "It looks like you hadn't counted on Natsu's fighting abilities. Little did you know he's as powerful as I am, if not more!"

The two didn't notice, but a certain water mage was somehow awake from being unconscious. (Y/n) opened her eyes as she look at the scene in front of her. Since she uses water, she managed to make a part of her body out of water, reducing the damage taken. That's why now, she's slowly getting onto her two feet and walking towards the two who were staring at her figure.

When (Y/n) had finally stood beside Erza, Jose had already attacked Erza while she was caught off guard. "(Y/n)! Why are you here? Get out now with the other!" Erza said as she was facing Jose.


"No.. I don't wanna.. I earned the S-class title for a reason." I replied as I sent a glare towards Jose, who just sent a smirk back. "(Y/n) was your visit with your sister just now?" Jose asked with his slow and menacing voice.

"It was...fine." I replied as I flinched a little. "Sister? When did you have a sister?" Erza asked with curiosity. Before I was able to answer, Jose said "She has a sister, but was separated when she was younger. Her sister was captured but was saved by me, and now is part of Phantom Lord."

"And her sister in none other than our water mage, Juvia Lockser. "


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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