Chapter 14

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"No.. I don't wanna.. I earned the S-class title for a reason." I replied as I sent a glare towards Jose, who just sent a smirk back. "(Y/n) was your visit with your sister just now?" Jose asked with his slow and menacing voice.

"It was...fine." I replied as I flinched a little. "Sister? When did you have a sister?" Erza asked with curiosity. Before I was able to answer, Jose said "She has a sister, but was separated when she was younger. Her sister was captured but was saved by me, and now is part of Phantom Lord."

"And her sister in none other than our water mage, Juvia Lockser. "

On with Chapter 14:


Erza was shock to have heard what Jose said, but it was true. "Anyways, forget about that useless Juvia. Let's go back to our main topic before we were oh so rudely interrupted, 'Makarov'."

I clenched my fist as he called Juvia useless but kept quiet. "How will he feel when he wakes up and sees that his beloved guild and his dear comrades have been wiped out?" he said before letting out a small laugh. "He'll be grief striken, I'm sure..." I felt my blood boiling as I imagined that.

"Once I've given him despair and sorrow, then  I will destroy him. It will not be a pleasant death... He will suffer, suffer, and suffer even more as he withers and dies!" I finally couldn't hold it anymore and began to attack, alongside with Erza who charged and slashed at Jose.

However, Jose teleported elsewhere before getting hit. "Phantom Lord was always the top guild. It had the greatest magic in the kingdom, the greatest personnel, the most money..."

"But Fairy Tail has suddenly grown much stronger in recent years. Erza, Laxus, Mystogan, (Y/n)... Those names even reached our town, and stories about the Salamander spread throughout the land. At some point, Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail became the two guilds that represent this kingdom. Haha.. I can't stand it." Jose said as he narrowed his eyes at us.

"Your guild was always feeble as hell!" That statement made Erza charge at Jose again. Instead of doing the same this, I supported Erza by using a long distance attack. I managed to follow Erza's pace when she's attacking or when she stops.

"Are you saying your pathetic jealousy is what triggered this war?!" Erza questioned as she pointed her sword at Jose. "Jealousy? Nothing of the sort." Jose answered with a grin. "We only want to make it clear who's dominant and who isn't." he added.

"All of this, for such a stupid reason?!" Erza said before once again, charging at Jose and trying to land a hit on Jose. Jose managed to hit Erza's sword away from her grasp and summoned shadows from his magic circle.

Before the shadows could touch Erza, I quickly used my magic to hit him away from Erza and onto the other side of the room. Erza ran to her sword, picked it up and ran to my side. As Jose stood up, he said "I've been fond of our guild, but it was something trivial that triggered this war.." He said.

"A job request to take the daughter of the Heartfilia Concern back home." Jose said as he summoned the shadows again. I pushed Erza aside and the shadows coiled around my figure as they electrocuted me.

"(Y/n)!" Erza exclaimed as I screamed in pain. "One of this kingdom's richest socialiets, a member of Fairy Tail? Just how large must you become until you're satisfied?!" Jose said before electrocuting me again, causing me to scream again.

"With unfettered access to the Heartfilia fortune, you would undoubtedly grow far more powerful than us! That is the one thing we cannot allow!" He said before electrocuting me again. I then grin widely at Jose, causing to look at me with confusion.

"The very fact you're making a fuss over who's superior or not is deplorable. But more than anything, I'm appalled at how poor your intelligence gathering is." I said. "Do tell." Jose muttered loud enough.

"Lucy came to us as a runaway! She can't use her family's money! She rents a place for 70,000 a month, works for a living just like we do, fights alongside us, laughs with us, cries with us... She's a wizard in our guild, like any one of us!" I said as I remembered the moments we had together.

"She triggered the war, you say?! The daughter of the Heartfilia family, you say?! Just as flowers can't choose where to bloom.. children can't choose their parents!" Erza's eyes widened as she saw me shout. She, along with the other Fairy Tail members, has seen me as a quiet and shy girl.

Erza smiled at me before trying to attack Jose who was caught off guard once again as she shouted "What would you know about Lucy and the tears she's shed?!". I tried to release myself from the binds as Jose was distracted.



Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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