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JADE'S pov~

In my left hand there is the familiar

In my right hand there's the great unknown

I can see the madly different gross there

But I'm drawn to wilder nights at home

Don't listen to your friends

See the despair behind their eyes

Don't listen to your friends

They only care and want to know why

I can feel the draw

I can feel it pulling me back

It's pulling me back

It's pulling me

I can feel the draw

I can feel it pulling me back

It's pulling me back

It's pulling me

Are you drifting way beyond what's normal

'Cause 'round your mind rings the words that they would say?

When you go home everything looks different,

And you're scared of being left behind.

Just listen to your friends

Trusted that fair look in their eyes

Just listen to your friends

They only care and hope you're alright

I can feel the draw

I can feel it pulling me back

It's pulling me back

It's pulling me back.


I was packing all of my stuff in to the boxes it was 11pm and tomorrow the movers where taking all of our stuff to London don't ask me how though.

I taped the last box and put my headphones on and turned my I pod on looking for Bastille they always helped me with dan's voice and the music it took me away from everything bad that was happening in my life. and I clicked the song called the draw and laid down on my bed in my now empty room then I slowly fell asleep.


I sighed and sat up taking my headphones off

I'M UP I'M UP! I yelled back to joe my older brother.

and ran to the bathroom and put on my t-shirt that said Lorde in big red leaders and skinny jeans and red chucks{ just like Dan smiths} lol and fixed my hair in to a side braid. I ran down the stairs stuffing my headphones in my bag and my phone and IPod and some money joe handed me. and grabbed an apple off the table and followed joe to his car,

joe:soo, your birthday is in 5days how old are you now?

jade:17 joe,

joe:are you still mad?

jade:yes! you are just packing us up and shipping us all the way to fucking London!

joe:I'm sorry jade but I have no other way to make money to feed you and me.

jade:I know it's just hard.

he stopped in front of my school and I sighed today I was going to brake up with Tristan my boyfriend of two years

joe:I'm picking you up at 1:25 so we have time to get to the airport.

I shook my head and got out and walked inside my school.

Tristan:no, we can talk on the phone Skype you know I go London every summer to visit my mom! we can make this work baby please don't!

jade:I just think it's better if I let you live your life without me Tristan! we can still be friends if you like.

he shook his head and walked in to the lunch room. I turned and Mattie my best friend was hugging me from behind

Mattie:don't go!

I sighed shaking my best friend off of me.

jade:I have to go!

Mattie:who's going to talk about how hot Dan smith is with me?!?!

jade:ME! I have a phone and a Skype and so do you!

Mattie:okay fine but you better visit me in the summer! and if you see Dan there you have to call me asp!!!!!

jade:I promise.

we hugged and I walked to the office because joe was waiting for me.

I was really going to miss California.

but I hope I like London. and I hope I get to met Dan somehow somewhere after all London was his city.


Okay, this is my new story!
I hope you like it.
And if you don't I understand
Maybe my writing is really bad I don't really know
If this sucks just let me know.please?
Thank you if you read this!


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