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Jade's pov~
These chords make her so happy, especially when he plays them that way
What she says makes him so happy, complimenting him all day
Well I don't love you, but I love your songs
Well I don't love you, but your words make me feel like I belong

She begs him to keep playing these chords
even though he and they may get a little tired
And he implores her to keep saying that stuff because her hollow words are keeping him
Well I don't love you, but your songs are keeping
me amused
Well I don't love you, but you'll do as an
adequate muse

Well I love the opticians, 'cause it's not your fault if
your eyes are bad
And they can't make you feel guilty, and they're
hardly gonna blame your mum and dad
The doctors and the dentists, can see how much you've indulged
By learning of what condition you're in, they can
tell what you've never divulged
And it's up to you to look after yourself, which is
so boring, ring, ring, bring me down

Well I don't love you, but I love your songs
Well I don't love you, but your words make me
feel like I belong.

I woke to Dan laying by me I sat up realizing I had fell asleep with my shoes and everything. the paper I was holding was laying on me I picked it up trying not let Dan see just in case he didn't know he gave it to me last night I don't want him to take it,

Dan:what's that?


Dan:what dose it have on it?


Dan:can I read the words?

jade:you should already know what it is.

I was testing to see if he remembered

Dan:how's that?

jade:you gave it to me last night.


jade:at like 4am when I went to see if you okay you were drunk and acting like you were crazy.

Dan:can I see it?


Dan reached to grab it from me but I jumped out of the bed running from him. Down the stairs


I giggled and Dan pined me to the wall by the tv down the stairs. I put the paper in my bra.

Dan:do you really think that going to stop me from taking it?

I giggled. Again.

jade:I don't know will it?

Dan chuckled and kissed my noise.

Dan:give it jade.

jade:give what?

Dan:the paper!

jade:are you sure thats what you want?

Dan:umm yes. stop trying to distract me with that.

jade:you know it's working.

Dan:no it isn't.

jade:if you want to paper get the paper.


I giggled and pressed my lips to his and wrapped my arms around his neck. and Dan had his hands on my waist. I felt that spark right away. I felt Dan slowly reach in to my shirt.

whoa okay not here not now! I pulled away and Dan pulled his hands away from me. and joe stood there with his laptop in his hands and he sat on the sofa.

jade:what are you still doing home?

joe:I don't have to go till 4pm because I had to book a flight for Mattie.

jade:oh. yeah,

Dan looked at me wondering what he was talking about.

joe:is this what you two do when I'm not here?

jade:no joe.

Dan: who is Mattie?

joe:jade's best friend.

Dan:male or female?

I sighed and shook my head walking to the kitchen pulling out the bread putting it in the toaster. and Dan stood there watching me.

jade:want some?

Dan shook his head.

Dan:girl or boy jade.

jade:female Dan.

Dan:okay, cool, give me the paper

jade:like I said if you want it you have to get it.

Dan:really jade? please.

jade:really Dan.

I smiled at him and jumped up to sit on the counter.

Dan sighed looking at joe who was watching tv and typing on his laptop Dan looked back at me and the toast popped up Dan grabbed it speeding peanut butter on it for me and putting it on the table and put the bread and peanut butter back I watched him with a "what are you doing look" and Dan picked me up and carried me up the stairs quietly and told me to shh as I asked him what he was doing he took me to my room and shut the door behind him locking it. and placed me on the floor.


Dan smirked grabbing my waist pulling me to him and started kissing my neck.

Dan:you know you are such a teaser?

jade:really? I try.

Dan laughed pushing me to a wall and started making out with me. I felt him reach down and pull my shirt up he pulled away grabbing the paper from my bra and pulling my shirt back down.

and unfolded the paper siting on my bed and started reading it.
and sighed and I sat next to him

Dan:why did I write this?

jade:why you asking me?

Dan:I don't know.

jade:you must really want me to answer.

Dan:maybe I do.

jade:then ask away.

Dan:okay is your love mine?

jade:you own 95% of my heart

Dan:what happened to the other 5%?

jade:family and friends.

Dan smiled and looked back to the paper.

Dan: do you love me or my songs.

jade:you. because they are you're words.

Dan:would you mind if I'd hold you in my arms all day long?

jade:not at all. I would love it.

Dan smiled pulling me to his lap and I laid my head on his chest.

Dan:do you want money or fame or just me.

jade:you already know the answers Dan

he sighed knowing that he really did.

he folded the note back up and placed it on my night stand.

jade:I love you.

Dan:no I love you.


I sighed getting up from my spot on my bed. and walking down the stairs.

joe:Mattie will be here tomorrow morning at 7am I asked Dan to take you to the air port and he said yes. and he asked me if you and Mattie could sleepover because his band mates are going to sleepover too and I told him yes! but no sex! or drinking or drugs!

I rolled my eyes and hugged joe thanking him.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now