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jade's pov~
We'll make our agreements,
About when to meet,
And I'll leave you in the doorway,
The cold evening aches,
As it leaves in its wake,
All the memories left by the day,
And I'm questioning why,
As you look to the sky,
That it's cloudless up above our heads,
And thoughts come to mind,
that our short little lives,
Haven't left the path that they will tread,
They will tread

I come back to haunt you,
Memories will taunt you,
And I will try to love you,
It's not like I'm above you,

The wisdom we learn as our minds,
They do burn'll,
Entice the naivety in youth,
As adults will grow and maturity shows,
The terrifying rarity of truth,
As you turn to your mind,
And your thoughts they rewind,
To old happenings and things that are done,
You can't find what's passed,
Make that happiness last,
Seeing from those eyes what you become,
Well you become

I come back to haunt you,
Memories will taunt you,
And I will try to love you,
It's not like I'm above you,

I will see you there,
See you there,
See you there,
I'll come back to haunt,
Memories will taunt you,
And I will try to love you,
It's not like I'm above you

I walked up to dans apartment and opened the door I saw Dan In his Black jeans with no shirt looking around

I giggled

jade:what are you doing Dan?

Dan:I can't fine my left red converse!


It was on the floor right by the door

Dan:sigh* yes

he grabbed it from me and kissed my cheek running in to his bedroom and coming out with a black shirt that had red designs all over it he ran to the kitchen eating something then grabbing a jacket

jade:what's the rush?

Dan:I have a interview and a music video shoot today and I have to get there by 8:35 plus I have to drop you off at school.

jade:oh I'll just walk she you won't be late. see you later?

he just looked at me with a questioning look I shook my head opening the door he shut the door above my hand and spun me around

Dan:and why would I let you walk by yourself all the way to your school?

jade:because you have places to be.

Dan:nothing is before you.

jade:don't put me before your job Dan.

he smiled pushing my bangs out of my face and putting his lips to mine and that feeling came back to me and my hands went to his neck he stopped kissing and just started to kiss over over again on my lips I smiled

jade:okay let's go.

Dan smiled and grabbed my hand.


carman:hey where do you want to sit today

jade:I don't know

I followed carman to a table calling over the others.
my phone started playing haunt by Bastille
I blushed as everyone looked at me I picked it up not looking who was calling


jade, a voice rang though the phone. Tristan.


Tristan:yeah, I am in London for summer brake I was wondering if you would like to meet some time.

jade:sure let's talk later i'm at school tomorrow is my last day before summer brake I got to go.

tristan:oh okay bye

I hung up right after. great more reasons for Dan to get mad at me. yay! Tristan has came back to haunt me ughhhhh

I had to walk back to the apartment because I didn't want to ask Dan and I knew Joe was at work I couldn't help but notice a car following me but maybe I was just acting crazy I don't know really.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now