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I came here for sanctuary
Away from the winds and the sounds of the city
I came here to get some peace
Way down deep where the shadows are heavy

I can't help but think of you
In these four walls my thoughts seem to wander
To some distant century
When everyone we know is six feet under

When all of our friends are dead and just a memory
And we're side by side it's always been just you and me
For all to see

When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let's take it to the grave
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I'll be buried here with you
And I'll hold in these hands all that remains

I don't want to rest in peace
I'd rather be the ghost that annoys you
I hope you can make me laugh
Six feet down when we're bored of each other

A match is our only light
It's day of the dead and I'm Indiana Jones here
These coins sit upon our eyes
Pool our funds and pay the boat together

When all of our friends are dead and just a memory
And we're side by side it's always been just you and me
For all to see

When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let's take it to the grave
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I'll be buried here with you
And I'll hold in these hands all that remains

And now it's all before you
Hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms

When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let's take it to the grave
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I'll be buried here with you
And I'll hold in these hands all that remains

It was ten and Dan wouldn't let me go anywhere with out him. I put my head on Dan's shoulder and watched the fireworks


I shook my head. and Dan told the guys we were going home they said okay. me and Dan walked out of the exit and began walking to his car.


i turned around and so did Dan.

Tristan:that was a bitch move Dan keeping her away!

I could already tell Dan was getting angry

jade:what do you want Tristan?

Tristan:what I wanted was to talk to you!

jade:well, talk!

Tristan:I already said alone!

Dan:and I said no!

Tristan:you don't own her you dick! jade choose stay with the dick or come and talk to me.

Dan let go off my walking over to Tristan.


Dan ignored me and stood in front of Tristan.

Dan:I'm sorry I couldn't hear you say that again?

Tristan:what? that I called you a dick? this is the real world Dan smith not a song! and I want my girlfriend back!

Dan:I'm sorry but she's taken

Tristan:come on man, I mean look at her, you can have any girl you want but you choose her? she's kinda on the uglier side. Why do you want her when you can have every girl here!

and that set Dan off he punched Tristan in the face.


Tristan fell on the floor and Dan stood there but Tristan got up and then they started full on fighting in the parking lot of a fair. Real fun.

jade:DAN STOP IT! STOP! STOP!!!!!! DAN! Tristan!!!!!!!!

I reached in my pocket pulling out dan's phone Kyle told me to hold on to it till after the gig. I called Kyle and told him what was happening and seconds later Kyle and woody came running over And broke Dan away from Tristan. Tristan's face was all blood and dans lip was bleeding

Dan walked over to me grabbing my arm and pulling me to the car and I got in and so did he

jade:what the hell Dan?

I said pulling my sunglasses off my face and looking at dans lip it was bleeding badly and it was really big.

jade:Dan you're hurt!



jade:your lip is bleeding can I help you please?

he shook his head and pulled in to a parking lot of a gas stop. and he turned and looked at me. he had a fat lip. And it was bleeding

I sighed pulling out a napkin wiping the blood off his lip and face.

jade:you are so stupid.

Dan:I don't care jade. I love you one I don't like the way he was talking about you.

jade:I understand but you have to realize he could go to the police telling them that a 26 year old man beat him up!and that you are dating a 17 year old girl!

Dan:jade I'm a guy I know he won't do that he wants to make matters in his own hands. And to make you fall in love with him again so you'll leave me for him. So it will hurt me just as much as you hurt him.

I sighed shaking my head I never knew Dan could get so mad.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now