Fifty nine

999 34 9

(Hey guys! story is ending soon! But book two is coming soon!)
(Btw I hate this chapter and I hated writing it it was so weird. lol)

I was putting my shoes on today was Friday the 14 of February.

Dan came out of the room siting next to me. he grabbed my hand messing with it then let go of it. he put my promise ring on my right hand middle finger.

Dan:you should wear that.

I smiled and tied my converse up.




I said smiling at him.


Mattie:where should we sit today guys?


We all walked over to the table and set our lunches and began talking about how we hated this Holiday.

Mattie:oh please jade! you are dating Dan smith I'm sure he gave you something!

Jade:nope. And I don't think he's going to.

Zander and Mattie's eyes got wide.



Mattie:you sure about that?

I heard a scream and turned my head and Dan and Kyle stood there. Kyle was holding a balloon that was a heart and a teddybear and Dan was holding a really big box of chocolates that was shaped in to a heart and flowers.

Oh. god.

I slowly went under the table hoping Dan wouldn't see me.



Dan:jade I see you.

I sighed and went back up. I could see everyone in the lunch room was looking at us.

Jade:oh, hi there Dan! I didn't see you there. what are you doing here?

Dan:came to see you.

Jade:oh cool! what's all that stuff?


Dan knew I was embarrassed because of my cheeks. Dan placed the box on the table next to my tray of food and held the flowers out for me to take I took them from him. and Kyle handed me the balloon but gave some random girl the teddybear.

I stood up and Dan hugged me and kissed my cheek.

Dan:see you later?

I nodded and he let go of me and him and Kyle left.

And I sat back down covering my face.
I slowly looked up and everyone in the room was staring at me. then the bell rung and I stood up and handed carman the balloon and ran to pe.


All day long since lunch girls have been asking me for dans number and I ran away. right now I stood outside of the school with flowers and a big box of chocolates I sat on a bench and sighed, everyone was already gone, I wonder what happened to Dan picking me up.and I need to put new gauze on my wrists, and I hated doing it because it made me sick to my stomach and Dan usually helped me. I slowly opened the box of chocolate and ate one. closing it back. I saw dans car pull up and I stood up walking to the car only to see that it was Kyle. I got in.

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