Fifty five

965 41 16

Cover-earth song
What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain...
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying Earth this weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

What have we've done to the world
Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son...
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying Earth this weeping shores

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh


Dan held my hand as we drove.

Dan:I'm so sorry jade,

Jade:it's my fault, I didn't listen to you.

Dan:but you did see me mouth to mouth with another, girl.

Jade:I should of assumed she kissed you, she was trying to steel me from you, ever since I met her.


I nodded. and I was putting more make up on then ever. because I look like I haven't slept in 89 days.

Dan:stop it.


Dan:putting that junk on.

I rolled my eyes.

Jade:I look horrible, I've been crying way to much.

Dan:I'm sorry.

Jade:it's alright, I made it a bigger deal, then it really was, I was just overrating because, Betty had made me upset.

Dan:were you crying before you even got to my flat?

I nodded slowly.

Dan:oh my god.


Dan:you wanted me to comfort you, and instead you walked in to me and Gabrielle.

Jade:I guess.

Dan:I'm the worst.

Jade:it's not your fault,

Dan:I could of pulled away, instead I sat there not doing anything. I'm stupid.

I was done putting my make up on so I grabbed his hand.

We got to the air port on time. and me and Dan sat together across from crystal and Betty. and I had my head laying on Dan's lap and he was rubbing my back we were waiting for the plane to open or whatever.

Crystal:mommy what's wrong with jade?

Betty:I think jade and Dan were fighting.

Crystal:like, Dan was hitting her?

Betty:oh. I hope not! no, it's called an argument, they we fighting, but with words.

Crystal:oh, are they okay now?

Betty:looks like it.

I sighed.

Woman:2:30pm flight to California is now boarding!

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