Twenty four

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(Okay so I can't find anything about dan's family so I can use there names so in a lot of other dan smith fanfic's his parents names are Adele and Harry, I do not know if this is true but since that's all I can find out I will be using those names also a cousin named Harvey) okay back to the story


"Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful."

-Lana del ray


I was so scared right now

Jade:this is your mother and fathers house?

Dan:yes I've said that 19 times now.

Jade:are you going to tell them that we are dating?

Dan:no, we'll maybe if they ask then yes and if they don't then no.

Jade:what if they don't like me?

Dan:I'm sure they will love you jade now can you please get out of the car? I have been standing out here for the last 15 minuets

Jade:oh sorry.

I unbuckled myself getting out of the car and following dan to the door of a house. Dan rung the door bell and the door swung open and a teenage boy who looked about my age stood there

Dan:hey, Harvey where's my mum and dad?

Harvey:Adele is at the store getting food then we are leaving to go to the movie music concert.

Dan:and dad?

Harvey:he's with his old ass friends.

Dan:uh okay can i come inside?


Dan and me walked inside the house it was very old fashion it was nice.

Harvey:who's the sexy girl?

I stopped looking around and looked at "Harvey" he was eyeing me up and down

Dan:jade, this is Harvey my cousin. He's a normal 17 year old boy.

Harvey:why do you have her here?

Dan:because Harvey.

Harvey:dude you are banging a teenage girl?!

Dan:no "dude"I'm not.

Harvey:aww, dan got the short end of the stick?


Harvey:yeah bro?

Dan:shut the hell up.

Harvey:so jade how old are you?

I looked at dan and he nodded


Harvey:your hot.

Jade:uh, thanks?

Dan was looking around looking a photos that hung on the walls he spoke not looking away from the photos.

Dan:here's a tip Harvey you call girls beautiful not hot. You sound like dumbass.

Harvey:why you killing my vibe dan?

Dan ignored him changing the subject.

Dan:so what's this music movie concert thing?

Harvey:oh a bunch of bands from my school are covering movies that have sorta punk rock songs or whatever and who ever wins gets £1,000


The front door opened and a woman walked in with two bags in her hands she looked at me and then at dan.

Woman:oh! Daniel!  Hi!

Dan:hey mum,

woman:this is a surprise! I was just on my way out with Harvey

Dan:mind if me and her tag along?

woman:of course not!

the woman walked over to me holding out her hand I took it a shook it.

woman:hi i'm Dan's mom adele

jade:hi nice to met you Mrs.smith i'm jade.

Adele:alright Dan tell your girl friend to stop kissing my ass.

Dan sighed and walked over to me
my heart just fell to my stomach
what if Dan's mom doesn't like me?

hervey:Adele i'm going to be late can we please go i don't want to be late

dan:i'll drive

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now