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My heart is yours.
Forever and ever.
Never will it ever be anyone's but yours. so please don't brake it.

My heart is yours
It had a hole in it
Before you came in my life
Now it's full
Please keep it that



Joe was really angry when we came back home. Mattie left to go be with her uncle she had to go because her mom said she need to go and visit him for a week then she will come back here for another week. Right now I was siting on the sofa and joe was yelling and asking a bunch of questions

Joe:are you hurt? what happened to your eye?

Jade:you already know joe the police told you everything

Joe:I know but how did I not see your eye!?

Jade:because all you care about is you job.

Joe:that is not all I care about! I have a job so you and I can have food, money and things we want I can pay the bills and everything!


Joe:it's time you talk to me nicely!


Joe:you better listen jade! before I ground you!

Jade:you aren't my father! you can't tell me what to do! I don't listen to you because you don't listen to me!

I stood up to run up the stairs. But he yanked my arm back,

Joe:what's that?


Joe:your hand,

He grabbed my hand and started looking at it then I realized my ring.
He grabbed it off and tossed it somewhere

Joe:you ARE not getting merry anytime soon.

Jade:it isn't that kind of ring you jackass

I pulled my hand away and ran to my room locking my door and fell fast asleep but only waking myself up with bad dreams I only had two hours of sleep and I wasn't going to sleep anymore. I looked at my phone it was 6:30am I could hear joe down stairs getting ready for work and then I heard dans voice

Dan:okay. bye.

Then the door closed and my bed room door opened

Dan:why are you awake?

Jade:I've had bad dreams all night. I don't want to sleep.

Dan walked over laying next to me and pulling me close and wrapping a blanket over us.

Dan:snuggle day.

I giggled at the way he said snuggle

For hours we have been laying in bed eating watching movies and Dan keeps kissing me and telling me he loves me I know something is up

Dan:I love you.

Jade:okay, Dan what's going on.

Dan:what do you mean?

Jade:you are acting all weird, and this is like the 100th time you've told me you love me I get it, what's up?

Dan sighed sitting up

Dan:I'm leaving, for two weeks with the band.


Dan:I know, I want to take you with me, but it's really not a good idea and joe wont let me take you either, but joe is taking time off his job to be with you.

Jade:I don't want to be with that jackass!

Dan:and why not?

Jade:he's a dick!

I sat up crossing my arms across my chest

Dan:and how's that?

Jade:he tossed my ring somewhere down stairs and now I can't find it.

Dan:the ring I gave you last night?

I nodded

Jade:he thought it was a wedding ring or whatever because he was mad.

Dan:oh, well it's no big deal I'm sure it will come up. just try not to make him mad and the time will go by quickly

Jade:no it won't it's summer I have nothing to do!

Dan:I know, but I will call text and Skype you everyday.

Jade:okay,when are you going?


Jade:you're kidding?



Dan:here you can go in my flat if you want I don't know what for but you can.

He handed a key to his home

Jade:umm okay?

Dan:If you ever need a place to go to get away just go there.


He smiled and looked back at the tv I sighed getting up from my bed to get dressed

Dan:jade give it.


Dan:jade really?


Dan:fine! but when I get back you better give it back.

Right now I was helping Dan pack and I wanted to keep his gray jacket because if I missed him it would smell like him. I know it sounds creepy but it brings me comfort.

Dan:are you sure you are going to be okay alone for two hours?

Jade:I'll be fine Dan I am 17 I think I can handle myself.



Dan smiled grabbing his bag from his bed and walking over to me and crashed his lips to mine and the zoo came back to me. he pulled away putting something in my hand and running out the door.

It was the ring.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now