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Dan was humming bad blood behind me as I was making sandwiches. I opened the fridge putting the stuff back I turned and looked at Dan who was just standing there,

Jade:thanks Dan.


Jade:for taking care of me and letting me babysit crystal here.

Dan smiled grabbing me by my waist.

Dan:you don't have to thank me.

He said tucking a strain of my hair behind my ear,

Jade:yes I d-

Dan:you know how you are repaying me?


Dan:by telling me that you love me.

I rolled my eyes and handed Dan a sandwich and walking out setting a sandwich on the coffee table for crystal and helped her down from the sofa and she began eating. and handed Kyle a sandwich too and sat on the sofa next to Dan.

crystal:jade, do you have a car?

Jade:no, I don't.

Crystal:Dan do you have a car?

Dan:yes I do.

Crystal:can you take me to get ice cream?


He said smiling.

Kyle:no! Dan Ella is going to be here any minute!

Dan:I'll be right back, Kyle.

Kyle:no Dan! if you leave then I'm going home.

Dan rolled his eyes.

Dan:I'll call a taxi.

Dan said pulling his phone and wallet out he took money out of it and started handing it to me.

Jade:no Dan you keep that, I'll call carman.

Dan:okay, but take this.

I shook my head no taking his plate and Kyle's and crystals and took my phone out and called carman


Jade:hey carman.

Carman:oh hey jade!

Jade:hey are you in town?,

Carman:oh no, why?

Jade:nothing, never mind

Carman:I'll be back tomorrow if you need me.



I hung up and called a taxi,

Jade:I'm leaving!

Dan stood up kissing me on the cheek.

Dan:you are coming back right after right?

I nodded smiling at him standing on my tipy toes and kissed his lips and then took crystal by the hand and walked out. I was meeting Betty at the ice cream shop so she could get crystal, I walked down the stairs and waited outside with crystal a car pulled in but it wasn't a taxi a girl and another girl got out. I knew one of the girls Gabrielle. Ugh, I rolled my eyes and picked up Crystal as Gabrielle and another girl walked up to me

Gabrielle:Mind letting us in?

I rolled my eyes and putting the key in and unlocking the door for them.


I yelled loudly


Jade:there here!

Dan came running down the stairs and my taxi drove up and I ran to it getting inside and drove off.

Crystal:I want cotton candy!

Jade:you want the cotton candy Ice cream?

She nodded.

Jade:alright can I have two cotton candy one on a cone and the other in a bowl please.,

The man nodded and typed it in his cash register.

Man:that will be $2.20

I handed him $3.00 and he gave me some change back. Then handed me the ice cream and me and crystal sat at a table I handed her the bowl mad a spoon and she started eating it, and so did I laughing at her cuteness, after I was done Betty came inside the ice cream shop and sat next to crystal

Crystal:hi mommy!

Betty:hi sweetie.

They hugged and then Betty looked at me.

Betty:jade, your brother wants you to go back to California to visit him.

Jade:what? When?

Betty:tomorrow with us.

She handed me two tickets

Betty:he wants you to bring dan. He wants to talk to you,

Jade:what about school?

Betty:you'll only miss a week. Or more if you want to stay.

Jade:what if I don't want to go?

Betty:you owe your brother that,

Jade:I don't owe him anything!

Betty:you basically killed your mother!

Jade:I did not!

Betty:you are the one who told her your father is dead!

Jade:I didn't know she was going to kill herself!

Betty:well, she did! And you killed her!

Jade:I did not!

Betty rolled her eyes I felt tears fall down my cheeks. I stood up and walked out of the ice cream shop and saw a taxi and I got in and told him where to go.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now