Fifty eight

866 38 4


I was taking my bags out of my old room but, I was even weaker then normal. Dan grabbed the bag from my hand before I fell on my face, we were going back to London.

Jade:I had it!

Dan:jade, you aren't even suppose to be carrying anything that is too heavy

I rolled my eyes walking over to my other bag.

Dan:jade, no.

Jade:urgh! Stop babying me!

Dan:jade you almost died! you need to take it easy! I'm not babying you! I'm making sure you are alright!

I sighed. and he stared at me then walked out of the room. I looked at the bag and tried to pick it up but there was no use.

I sat next to Dan on the plane, and he was holding me close to him.

Dan:is it time to take your meds?

I rolled my eyes and nodded. every two hours I had to take a pill the helped my skin grow back normally around my wrists and a stupid pill that made me 99.9% more weaker and it made me act different like I was depressed it supposed to help with depression but I'm not depressed,

Dan handed me two pills and a bottle of water I tossed the two in my mouth drinking the water so they would go down.


I opened my mouth slowly. and he looked in it. then he loudly sighed.

Dan:jade you need to take that pill.

Jade:I'm not depressed!

Dan:jade, just do as the doctor says it's only two weeks.

I rolled my eyes and took the pill I was hiding inside my mouth.


Me and Dan walked inside his apartment and I sat on the couch and Dan sat next to me. I had to go to school tomorrow and it was Tuesday today.



Dan:you need it.


Dan:why won't you take the god damn pill?

Jade:because it doesn't help!

Dan:yes it does.

Jade:no it does not! it makes me depressed when I'm not!

Dan:alright, if you don't want to take it today, that alright, lets see how this goes.

Jade:okay. can I wear that?

I said pointing to his gray hoodie.


I lifted my gauzed wrists up. and Dan handed it to me. and I put it on zipping it up and putting the hood on because it was raining outside.

Dan:text me if you want to leave early,

I nodded.

Dan:please jade, don't do anything stupid.

Jade:I promised you I would talk to you about it first. and I will.


Dan reached over hugging me.

Dan:I love you,

Jade:I love you.

I got out walking in to school.

Zander:why do you look like you haven't slept for days?

Jade:because I tried to kill myself.

I rolled my eyes opening my locker I was so tired of everyone asking me questions.



Mattie:are you alright?

I nodded.

Jade:I had to go to the hospital.

Mattie:how did you try to kill yourself?

Jade:pills and loss of blood.

Carman:oh my god! jade!

I shrugged. I guess that's how it feels to take a fall.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now