Thirty three

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JADE'S POV ~Don't talk to strangers.

Oh, in the strangest dreams, walking by your side

It is the hole you impose upon your life

When you're out, loneliness, it crawls up in the ground

It's what you feel, but can't articulate out loud.


GET UP! I yelled at dan giggling

Jade:really dan please get up.

Dan:alright alright. I'm up

Dan sighed sitting up and running in the bathroom I opened my bag sighing I walked to dans closet there was a black shirt that said lost highway I took that and black jeans and white chucks and a white beanie. I started putting my pants on when dan walked In not caring because i was going to be late I took my shirt off and I felt two cold hands touch my bare sides I jumped

Jade:you're freezing!

Dan:who said you could ware my shirt?

Jade:jade did

Dan:dan didn't.

I smiled and stood on my tipy-toes and grabbed the back of his neck and crashed my lips to his and I got that zoo feeling then pulled away after some minutes.

Jade:now, what did Dan say?

Dan:Dan said you can ware the shirt but don't do that again.

I laughed putting the shirt back on.


Dan:jade, I'm driving calm down.

Jade:don't you have an interview in an hour?

Dan nodded looking at the time. which was 8:30.

Dan stopped in front of t-shirtx I think the name is stupid.

I opened the door but Dan grab my arm.


Dan:on the interview they are going to ask if I'm single or not. is it okay if I say we are together?

Jade:yeah sure whatever.

Dan pulled me to him kissing my noise

Dan:love you.

Jade:love you too.

Then I ran inside

Zander:you are right on time!


Zander:alright. do you want to be on checking out or setting out the t-shirts?

Jade:what ever you want.

Zander:cash because I suck at math.

I laughed walking behind the counter.

Zander:so jade tell me about your self.

Jade:uh I'm 17?

Zander:something I don't already know.

Jade:oh, well I don't know.

Zander:I can tell you aren't from here where are you from?




Zander:what's it like there?


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