Forty eight

906 31 3


Dan was looking at me with his "what's going on" look on his face.

Jade:she's my dad's sister.

Dan:so she's your aunt?


Dan:well, can I let her in?


Dan:well, lets going down stairs and talk to her?

Jade:I guess. but she's really, mean to me.

Dan:well, I'm right here.

I nodded standing up grabbing his hand and we walked down the steps. Dan opened the door and there stood Betty and her six year old daughter crystal.

Betty:your brother sent me to cheek on you.

I nodded.

Jade:okay, you can go now.

Betty:I just got on a plane to get to this ugly shit place called the UK I am not going anywhere for some weeks.

I rolled my eyes.

Betty:come here let me have a look at you.

I signed letting go off dans hand walking in front of her she grabbed my face turning it side to side

Jade:what are you doing?

Betty:no hickeys.

I rolled my eyes again

Betty:so he's your boyfriend?

She said letting go of my face.


She looked at Dan and rolled her eyes and looked at me up and down

Betty:you are dressed like a slut, we better fix that.

She grabbed my wrist making me pull it away quickly.

Betty grabbed it again. this time meaner.

Betty:I see you still cut yourself.

I sighed.

Jade:it's been awhile.

Crystal:what's a slut mommy?

Betty:a naughty word.

Crystal:oh sorry mommy.

Betty:it's alright just don't say it again.

Jade:are you done now?

Betty:you been taking drugs?






Betty:you're lying.

Jade:I am not.

Betty:I know your boyfriend here is older then you.

Jade:what's that got to do with anything?

Betty rolled her eyes.

Betty:you on the pill?

Jade:what pill?

Betty:birth control.

Jade:why are you asking all of these questions?

Betty:so you don't end up like your mom. popping Babies out at 17.

Jade:I haven't had sex Betty.

Betty:but your on the pill.

I turned and Dan was looking at me with his lost puppy dog look. I sighed and turned back around to look at Betty. And she change the subject

Betty:do you mind watching Crystal tomorrow I've got to book a flight as fast as I can back to California and I don't need her distracting me.

Jade:yeah If you leave.

Betty:alright I'm going miss sassy.

I rolled my eyes and watched as she dragged crystal to her car. I felt bad for that little girl. I've only met her once when she was 3 and she was always crying.

I walked inside closing the door behind me and looking up at Dan who was looking down at me. he grabbed my wrist looking at the scars I left on myself.

Dan:you've cut yourself.

I pulled my hand away.

Jade:yeah. it's not that big of a deal.

Dan:when did you do this?

Jade:I used to do it all the time when my parents died.

Dan:have you done it while you've lived here?

I nodded and he loudly sighed.


Jade:when you where gone on that trip. And when joe was hurting me

Dan ran his hands though his hair.

Jade:there's no use in lying to you.

Dan:why didn't you just tell me, this was happening?

Jade:I wanted you to have fun, to be with your band and not to worry so much about me.

Dan:you are all I worry about! I can't just forget all about you.

Jade:I just wanted you to have fun.

Dan sighed grabbing me pulling me to him hugging me.

Dan:please don't do that ever again.

Jade:I'll try. I promise I'll try.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now