Twenty five

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This chapter is stupid😹

Jade's pov~

"Will you still love me even when I do things you don't like?"

~Cathy from a book called my un told love story.


We were at this weird place that had a stage and a bar it was pitch black inside though you couldn't really see anything a few teen bands have already played most of them sucked though I stood close to Dan worried I might say something that would make Adele mad at me. out of no where I guy taped me on my shoulder I turned around looking at him he was in a costume that I've seen before in a movie but
I forgot.


Guy:can you sing?

Jade:yeah? I guess.

Guy:ever heard of a movie call Scott pilgrim vs the world?

Jade:oh yeah. I love it!

Guy:you know that part where envy sings that song called black sheep?

Jade:yeah by mertro.

Guy:how would you like to be our new envy when we perform tonight?

Jade:I dont know....

Guy:please? i will do anything please you are like the only girl who knows the movie here.

Jade:alright I guess,

I looked at Dan and he shrugged I don't think he's seen the movie but whatever.

Guy:alright follow me so we can get you in costume and do your hair and stuff.

I followed behind him and he handed me a dress that was black and red high heel boots and hoop earrings and pushed me in to a bathroom I put the dress on and the high hells as fast as I could and then walked out and the guy pushed me in a room with a girl she did my make-up and left my side bangs down and put the rest of my hair up in a ponytail.

I walked out and the guy stood there

Guy:wow. you look good. alright do you know what she does in the movie?


Guy:try to be envy Adams and put on a good show and I will give you half of the money if we win. I am putting all of my faith in to you even if I don't know your name.

I nodded. Smiling.

Man:Scott pillgrim movie your on next!

a girl who was going to be the drummer and the guy was the bass player walked on the stage and started playing and I stood behind the stage waiting to be called on the stage. I was scared. . I slowly walked out on the stage the lights were off on the stage so nobody couldn't see me yet.

Black sheep, come home
Black sheep, come home
Black sheep, come home x16


The lights came on the stage and I knew it was my time everyone looked at me and I started. I kinda hated the first part but its part of the song....

Jade: oh yeah. Oh yeah! OH YEAH!

Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when (music)

(I moved my head just like envy when the music came on)ugh, I know I look dumb up here.

Our common goal was waiting for the world to end( music)

Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend (music)

You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again

I'll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up, every time, everyone, ooh, pulls away, ooh
From you


Got balls of steel, got an automobile, for a minimum wage

Got real estate, I'm buying it all up in outer space

Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend

You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick, the past again

I'll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up, every time, everyone, ooh, pulls a way, ooh
It's a mechanical bull, the number one
You'll take a ride from anyone,
Everyone wants a ride, and pulls away, ooh from you


I looked too Dan who was looking at me he i wonder if he liked it or not.

Everyone clapped after the music went off and I heard guys yell things like

"You are sexy!"

"I'll tap that!"

And lots of nasty things I walked off the stage hoping no one will remember me after today because sure I loved singing and music but I don't like people always looking at me like they where tonight I just felt like helping that guy out. I didn't really want to do that but. what ever.

Guy:thanks so much! you are amazing!

I smiled and nodded and went to the bathroom to change to my normal clothes I gave back the costume and walked back in to the crowd to find Dan. but guys where touching me telling me I was hot and stuff but I ignored them I spotted dans crazy hair and ran over he looked down at me and shook his head looking up at the stage

Harvey:damn girl you are hot!

Adele:Harvey hush up! Daniel is upset!

Harvey:why he's got the girl that every guy wants to jump in bed with right now! look At all those guys looking at her! hey jade you should go put that dress back on!

Adele hit Harvey on the back of his head and he shut up right away I stared at Dan as he just looked ahead then a guy came up to me

Guy:meet me in the bathroom?

I looked at him wide eyed. stepping away a bit and the guy smirked grabbing my arm and run his eyes alone my body I pushed him off and Dan grabbed my arm pulling me behind him we got outside of the place and Dan stared at me


Dan:why didn't you tell me that you would have to look like that?!

Jade:because I thought you've seen the movie.

Dan:I have not!

Jade:well maybe you should watch it, it's a really good movie.

Dan rolled his eyes.

Dan:jade, do you think I'm happy with seeing all those men look at you with lust in there eyes?

Jade:what? it's not even me! it's the costume I'm ugly Dan you shouldn't worry so much no body really wants me I am ugly. it's just my make up and dress that made them act like that. You're crazy to even be with me.

Dan ran his hands though his hair he chuckled . and then ran over to me pinning me to the wall. okay now I'm kinda scared.

Dan:jade, if you were ugly those guys would not be saying all that shit to you.jade you are fucking beautiful you are being mad. and that makes me mad that you won't eve-

He stopped and moved his hands away from me and I moved off the wall I've never seen Dan this angry with me it was scary.

Jade:that I won't even what?

Dan:never mind. I've got to go get us a Hotel before its too late I am going to get my mom and Harvey get in the car and stay in there.

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