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These chords make her so happy, especially when he plays them that way
What she says makes him so happy, complimenting him all day
Well I don't love you, but I love your songs
Well I don't love you, but your words make me feel like I belong

She begs him to keep playing these chords
even though he and they may get a little tired
And he implores her to keep saying that stuff because her hollow words are keeping him
Well I don't love you, but your songs are keeping
me amused
Well I don't love you, but you'll do as an
adequate muse

Well I love the opticians, 'cause it's not your fault if
your eyes are bad
And they can't make you feel guilty, and they're
hardly gonna blame your mum and dad
The doctors and the dentists, can see how much you've indulged
By learning of what condition you're in, they can
tell what you've never divulged
And it's up to you to look after yourself, which is
so boring, ring, ring, bring me down

Well I don't love you, but I love your songs
Well I don't love you, but your words make me
feel like I belong.


I awoke Next to Dan who was sleeping with his arms around me I pulled my phone out and saw it was 8am and my eye was killing me I sat up trying my hardest not to wake Dan I got out of the bed walking to his bathroom opening the cabinet looking for pain killers and there where some but they were sent to Dan by a doctor I read it and it said that it was pain killers for leg cramps. lol what?
I sighed and shut the cabinet bringing the mirror back to sight my eye looked horrible and my make up was all over the place. I opened the bottle trying to get one I looked up in the mirror and screamed Dan was standing behind me just watching me. I dropped the bottle of pills on the floor.

fuck I yelled and Dan chuckled, helping me pick up the pills. and took it from me and put it back inside the cabinet I just now saw there were condoms in there.

Dan walked past me walking in to the kitchen.

how much do you weight? Dan asked me taking out a glass.

why? I asked

Dan:I might weigh more then you and the pill might hurt you,

jade:like 110 120 I don't know.

he took a knife out and cut it in to half's and handed me one half and a glass of water.

he watched as I took the pill.

Dan:you hungry?



I shook my head and he he pulled an egg carton out and started making sunny side up eggs or fried what ever you want to call it.



jade:can I ask you something?

Dan:why do I have condoms. right?

jade:how'd you know?

Dan:I figured you saw them I mean you did open my cabinet.

jade:I didn't want to wake you.

Dan:you should of just ask first.

jade:well, we are dating Dan we shouldn't hide things for each other.

Dan:who said I was hiding something?

jade:Dan just answer the damn question!

Dan:I used them once so I would have a kid didn't you learn that in 6th 7th grade? Or are you just learning that now? I

jade:wow Dan, really!

Dan:what you asked why I have them I answered.

jade:I mean when is the last time you've used them

Dan:why does that matter?

jade:because it dose Dan.

Dan:I want to be true with you jade,

jade:then be true with me Dan.

Dan:that night I was drunk,

I started laughing with no surprise.

jade:wow, how did I know?

Dan sat a plate in front of me and handed me a fork and a cup filled with juice.

jade:that's why you ran to my apartment to say sorry right? because you really did fuck that blond bitch?

Dan:jade eat you just took a pill that says you take with food.

jade:I don't want to eat Dan.

Dan:jade, eat it

jade:where you even drunk that night? or

Dan:yes I was jade!

jade:really because You've lied a lot already, how can I believe you when you've lied?

Dan:I didn't lie jade.

jade:okay hid it from me what's the different?

Dan:jade eat.
He pushed the plate closer to me and it made me real mad so
I pushed the plate to the floor making it brake and the eggs fall to the floor.

jade:I don't want to fucking eat Dan! I am not hungry.

I got up and made my way to the door but Dan grabbed me by my arm.

Dan:please take it easy!

jade:how the hell can I take it easy?! you fucked some blond girl the day I told you I loved you!

Dan:I didn't mean to jade! You need to calm down

jade:right like you didn't mean to call me a bitch?

Dan:stop it!

I pulled my arm to myself and turned back around and started to open the door but Dan pushed it back to closed

Dan:you are NOT Leaving

jade:move your hand!

Dan:jade please I put everything out there on a clean plate I'm ready to start over from here, please calm down.

jade:sometimes our past comes back to bite us in the ass Dan.

He grabbed me by my arm pulling me to him and started kissing my cheeks.

jade:stop! let go!

Dan:please jade,

I laughed a little more

jade:your such a jackass! shit!

I looked down and saw I stepped on a broken piece of glass plate.

Dan:look what you've done now!

Jade:what about what you've done?


I shook my head picking up my shoes and opening the door and joe stood there.

joe:what is happening in here!?

I ran out out of the apartment leaving a trail of blood behind me.

joe:what happened to your eye jade!? Why aren't you at school?!

joe yelled at me as ran down the stairs.

was I making a bigger deal then it was? no! maybe I was! but I have every right to be mad right now!

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now