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There's an albatross around your neck,
All the things you've said,
and the things you've done,
Can you carry it with no regrets,
Can you stand the person you've become,
Ooh there's a light [x2]

Your Albatross, let it go, let it go,
Your Albatross shoot it down, shoot it down
When you just can't shake
The heavy weight of living

I'VE never been so mad. I was sitting on my bathroom counter Dan was trying to pull the glass out of my foot.

Dan:if you didn't get so mad this wouldn't happen.

jade:shut up Dan, I know already

Dan told joe what happened and of course he had to go to work so he sent Dan up here to help me and be my babysitter.

Dan finally got it out and began cleaning it and wrapped it with gauze.
and started putting my shoe on but I yanked it from his hands placing it back on my foot.

jade:I don't need you to baby me Dan.

Dan:please jade.

jade:please what? do you really think I am not going to get mad when I find out my boyfriend fucked some blond girl?

Dan:so I'm still your boyfriend?

jade:really Dan?! I wouldn't be this mad if I didn't love you!

Dan:how many times do I have to say that I'm sorry!?

jade:it just hurts Dan.

Dan:I know, and I'm so so sorry I will never again.

he said hugging me. It made me feel safe and loved. his hugs felt way better compared to Tristan's.

Dan:since your not going to school today, do you want to come with me to the fair I've got a gig with the band there and I want you to come.

jade:I don't know will you get drunk again and fuck a blond girl again?

Dan:you know jade we all have feelings.

I sighed looking at my outfit I had on a shirt that said "Dan's mine!"-bastille
it was writing in gold and I had jean short shorts on and black chucks. I hoped off the counter and Dan was siting on my bed texting. I sat next to him looking around.

Dan:how's your eye?


Dan:did you eat? since you pushed my food to the floor.

jade:yeah Dan.

Dan:do you want to go to the fair with me?


Dan:I love your shirt.

I smiled at him and he grabbed my legs pulling them on each side of his torso.

Dan:you know I love you. right?

I nodded my head.
he was staring at me with those wonderful gray blue eyes.
he kissed me noise. and I giggled.

jade:why don't you just kiss me.

he chuckled kissing my lips and the zoo came back to my stomach every time he kissed me it felt like a zoo was trying to brake out of my stomach. he pulled away pushing my hair away from my face.

Dan:we leaving at 4 if we want to get there by 5:30

I looked at the clock it was only 3:45


I pushed dans sunglasses on my face.

jade:are we all most there dan?

Dan:almost  jade.

I sighed looking at Dan's hand and I grabbed it he smiled at me and still drove my phone rang and I picked it up it was Tristan.

from Tristan:
hi jade I'm at cart fair Bastille is playing here I know you'll love it!
will you come?-Tristan

Jade:hey Dan what fair are we going to?

Dan:cart fair, why?

oh god.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now