Thirty seven

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Kyle:oh shit. run!

I laughed loudly as Dan chased Kyle. and I sat next to carman who was laughing to.

Carman:where have you been?!

Jade:I left the water.

Carman:well no duh!

I laughed.

Jade:sorry! you looked like you where having fun I didn't want to bother you.

Carman shrugged. I laughed as Dan pushed Kyle in the water and then Kyle trying to push Dan in but failed.

And woody and will came over sitting next to me and carman dripping wet. and then Zander lingered over to.

I kinda didn't want to be with Zander anymore. He was making this weird.

Woody:well, I'm leaving!

Will:I'm coming too!

Jade:how are you guys going to get there?

Woody:a taxi! duh!

Jade:oh alright.

I gave them both a hug and then me and carman looked at our phones ignoring Zander I went on my Instagram and saw Kyle posted another picture of me and Dan it was when Dan picked me up and I was screaming, I didn't bother reading the comments.

Then I posted a pic of me and carman tagging her in it.

Jade_lovesdan:my Best Friend Forever!

Carmancat:luv you gurl!

I laughed and checked my text messages and saw Mattie texted me a day ago.

Mattie:Hey! my mom is moving here! because we can't afford the house so we are living with my uncle! I am going to go to the same school as you!

Me:Omg! yay! I'm so happy for you! and us!

Mattie:thanks! I saw that Dan told everyone about you two dating! that's cute!

Me:it's not so fun though.

Mattie:crazy fans?


Mattie:I'm sorry ;( gtg!

Me:kk! ttyl.

I screamed as I felt someone grab my leg and pull me down from the sun chair I was sitting on. then I felt cold lips touch mine. Dan. I kissed back right away wrapping my hands around his neck. I heard a lot of camera clicks. I pulled away right away and I saw carman had her phone out and so did Kyle and so did some guy. who ran away.

Kyle:reporter! Or something I think that's that guy who's been taking pictures of you guys.

I felt myself blush and Dan chuckled and kissed my cheek and I saw Zander looked mad, I grabbed a towel putting it on my head blocking the world out. I didn't know "reporters" followed me and Dan around I find it weird.

Kyle:another interview tomorrow.


Kyle nodded.

Kyle:they want us to bring jade.

Zander:jade has work tomorrow.


Kyle:what time does she get off?


Kyle:the interview is at 2:30.

Zander:oh alright.

Jade:bye carman!

Carman:bye jade!

We all walked to the car and i sat in the back with dan who was kissing me on the cheek making me giggle,

After a while I got kinda sleepy so i rested my head on dans shoulder and before I knew it I was asleep.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now