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Dan has been gone for 12weeks now.

I'm 15weeks pregnant.

There is a problem with the baby's growth and the doctors think that the baby will be a stillborn baby or I will have a miscarriage. I haven't told Dan. I don't want to tell him, but I'm going to have to. I'm going to be 18 in 6weeks. and Dan is coming home for my birthday and I want to tell him before he gets here but it's hard.

Right now I'm with carman waiting in the doctors office. the doctor comes in the room.

Doctor:hello jade carter?


Doctor:hi I'm dr.Pam.

Jade:nice too met you.

Doctor:where is the father?

I sighed and carman talked for me.

Carman:he's in a band, and he's on tour at the moment.

Doctor:this is privet informant I will not tell anyone, but I need to know the fathers full name.

Jade:Daniel Campbell smith.

Doctor:Dan smith from bastille right?

I sighed and nodded.

Doctor:I knew I saw your face somewhere before.

Jade:so what's the news?

Doctor:well, the baby still has a heart beat so there is a 25% chance that the baby will still live but most likely not, if you come In next week and the baby doesn't have a heartbeat you can take pills that will make you have a miscarriage  faster  or you can wait for it to naturally happen, and if the baby does have a heartbeat then your baby most likely will start to grow.

I nodded then thanked her and hugged carman and she took me home. when I got home I skyped Dan.


He smiled at me, I waved.

Dan:how'd it go.

I showed him the picture of the baby.

Dan:it hasn't grown since your last visit?

I shook my head no.

Dan:is that bad.

Jade:I'm either going to have a miscarriage or have a stillborn baby.

Dan ran his hands though his hair.

Dan:is it still alive?

Jade:yeah, but it's not growing. most likely it's going to die.

I said blinking back the tears because crystal was watching Dora on my bed.


Jade:I wanted to tell you, I found out a week ago, but i didn't want to make you unhappy.

Dan:I understand.

I sighed. and we just sat on Skype not talking not saying anything just looking at each other hours pasted by and Dan was siting on his phone looking at something and I was changing out of my pjs when Betty found out that I was pregnant she made me take online classes so I don't fail out of school I sat on my bed and started doing home work.

Dan:are you alright?

Jade:I'm fine, I just really miss you,

Dan:just a couple more weeks.

Jade:couple more.


Doctor:I'm sorry jade, but your baby is no longer with us.

I nodded sitting up. I wanted to cry, but nothing came out because all I have been doing late is crying.

Doctor:do you want the pills?

Jade:yes please.

The doctor hugged me and then told me she would be back with the pills.

I already asked Dan about the pills he said that it was fine.

To Dan:

It's dead.

From Dan:

I'm so sorry.

To Dan:

Don't say sorry for something you didn't do.

From Dan:

I put the baby inside of you.

To Dan:

And I let you.

From Dan:

1 more day.

To Dan:

I need you.

From Dan:

I'll he home first thing in the morning.

To Dan:

I hope so.


Kyle's POV

Dan sat on the sofa next to me and will texting on his phone. he told us jade was pregnant. and that she was having a miscarriage. I've never saw Dan so depressed. when we have gigs Dan doesn't even sing flaws in the crowd and hasn't been and twitter or Instagram for 12weeks,

Tonight he's leaving to go and see jade for her 18th birthday, I'm happy he gets to see jade, and be there for her, I can't imagine how upset she is. but I hope she's alright.



I awoke to some one shaking me lightly I sat up and Betty told me carman was here to take me to the airport to pick dan up I sighed getting up and getting ready and going down the stairs and saw carman she smiled at me and I smiled back and we drove to the airport she played music to try to make me feel better and it did.

I stood next to carman looking around everywhere for dan. I saw the black hair and the gray hoody and I ran to him and he set his bag down, and I jumped in his arms. And he hugged me. I heard people around us awww and someone asked if that was dan smith.

Dan:I missed you.

Jade:I'm not letting you leave me again.

Dan:I won't. You are coming back with me. Happy birthday.

We stood there hugging for a long time.


That's the end of book one!

Don't worry! book two is coming soon I'll let you guys know when I'm putting it up on wattpad.

I hope you liked it! and please read book two please.

Okay thank you for all the comment's and reads and votes on

This story, I thank you guys sooooo much! I love to write and I love that you like my writing thank you so much. well

See you guys later! thanks again!


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