Fifteen (1)

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I came here for sanctuary
Away from the winds and the sounds of the city
I came here to get some peace
Way down deep where the shadows are heavy

I can't help but think of you
In these four walls my thoughts seem to wander
To some distant century
When everyone we know is six feet under

When all of our friends are dead and just a memory
And we're side by side it's always been just you and me
For all to see

When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let's take it to the grave
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I'll be buried here with you
And I'll hold in these hands all that remains

I don't want to rest in peace
I'd rather be the ghost that annoys you
I hope you can make me laugh
Six feet down when we're bored of each other

A match is our only light
It's day of the dead and I'm Indiana Jones here
These coins sit upon our eyes
Pool our funds and pay the boat together

When all of our friends are dead and just a memory
And we're side by side it's always been just you and me
For all to see

When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let's take it to the grave
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I'll be buried here with you
And I'll hold in these hands all that remains

And now it's all before you
Hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms

When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let's take it to the grave
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I'll be buried here with you
And I'll hold in these hands all that remains

I giggled as I tossed popcorn in to Dan's mouth and he tried to catch it with his mouth. I was sitting on a bar chair that was in front of a window thing that had a table and you could see in to the kitchen.i don't know how to explain it.

Kyle:jade why are you wearing sunglasses inside?

I sighed and shrugged.

Kyle:can you take them off?

I looked at Dan who was staring at Kyle.

Dan:let her wear them if she wants to mate.

Dan said pulling the bowl of pop corn from me and kissing my cheek.

woody:but why would she want to wear them inside?

Dan:I don't know maybe it's her style.

Dan talked to woody not looking at him as he pulled some kind of soda out of the refrigerator.

Kyle:why are you being weird Dan?

Dan:I'm not Kyle, what movie are we watching?

will:paranormal activity!

woody:oh yeah!

Kyle:Dan stop changing the subject,

Dan looked at me.

Dan:root beer?

I nodded my head and he handed me can of root beer.

Dan:soda anyone?


I sighed taking the sun glasses off my face everyone gasped.

Mattie:oh my god what happened?!

did It really look that bad I thought it was just starting to look better.

Dan shook his head and walked over to the tv putting the DVD in the DVD player. and everyone was still looking at my eye

Dan:stop looking  at her and watch the movie!

they all turned and looked at the tv as it started Dan walked in front of me with his hand in his pockets I looked at him and started drinking my soda.
I picked up the pop Corn and started eating it. still looking at Dan trying hard not to look at the movie that was playing on the t.v. because I hate scary movies. (They give me nightmares for weeks)I sighed putting the bowl down and Dan just watched me. I put my arms out signing for him to come closer he walked closer to me standing right in front of me I had my hands on the back of his neck. he pulled his hand up touching under my eye I winched and he sighed grabbing my hands intwining them together. I heard A scream coming from the movie and i jumped closing my eyes I opened them and Dan was looking at me smirking.
I rolled my eyes and he kissed my noise then my cheek I felt someone watching us I looked over dans shoulder seeing Kyle was recording us on his phone. I felt the heat go to my cheeks. I hid my face in Dan's shoulder.


Kyle started laughing and started typing on his phone Dan ran to Kyle trying to get his phone.

Dan:give it!

Kyle put his phone in his pants.
and Dan was standing there looking at him.

after Dan got Kyle to let him watch the video Dan and woody moved the couch and Dan started getting blankets and pillows

Dan:we need more blankets and that's all I have,

jade:I can get some of mine.


I got up and started walking to the door then I started to think about tommy, and I back away,and Dan stood there looking at me as I walked to the door.

jade:umm Dan?

He nodded

Dan:we'll be right back.

me and Dan walked out walking down the hall to the steps I heard a door close and I jumped grabbing Dan's arm. then I realized it was Dan's apartment door and let go slowly and backed away we got to my apartment and I walked inside I walked up the stairs grabbing pajamas for myself and walking to the blanket closet


jade:I got it Dan!

I trying pulling the blanket but my hand flung back hitting me in my black eye.


Dan came running up the stairs grabbing my arm.

Dan:let me see,

he said pulling my hand away from it.
looking at my eye.

Dan:can you get 4 pillows? hurry up we need to get back to my flat so I can ice your eye.

He picked up 3 blankets

I giggled at the way he said hurry his accent made it sound weird

me and Dan got back to his apartment we walked inside and I placed the pillows on the floor everyone looked at us.

Kyle:what's with all the pillows?

Dan ignored him grabbing me and picking me up and setting me on the counter going to the the freezer getting the ice pack out wrapping it in a towel and putting it to my eye I put my hand on the ice holding it there Dan let go getting the pain killers from the cabinet and cutting it in half and handing it to me and a glass of water I took the pill and the water and Dan put it in the sink helping me down from the counter pulling me behind him he grabbed the pillows and placing them on the sofa making me lay down on them. Dan walked away from me and started picking up the empty soda cans and pop corn as Kyle watched him and the rest of to group where watching that stupid scary movie

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now