Thirty nine

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Jade's pov~


Look who's digging their own grave

That is what they all say

You'll drink yourself to death

Look who makes their own bed

Lies right down within it

And what will you have left?

Out on the front doorstep

Drinking from a paper cup

You won't remember this

Living beyond your years

Acting out all their fears

You feel it in your chest

Your hands protect the flames

From the wild winds around you

Icarus is flying too close to the sun

Icarus's life, it has only just begun

It's just begun

Standing on the cliff face

Highest foe you'll ever grace

It scares me half to death

Look out to the future

But it tells you nothing

So take another breath

Your hands protect the flames

From the wild winds around you

Icarus is flying too close to the sun

Icarus's life, it has only just begun

This is how it feels to take a fall

Icarus is flying towards an early grave

You put up your defenses when you leave

You leave because you're certain

Of who you want to be

You're putting up your armor when you leave

You leave because you're certain

Of who you want to be

Icarus is flying too close to the sun

Icarus's life, it has only just begun

This is how it feels to take a fall

Icarus is flying towards an early grave


Dan:you okay?

I nodded

Dan:I sorry about that girl, I know you were scared, and made it worse.

Jade:it's alright.


He parked the car and then we got out and walked upstairs I really just wanted to cry and tell Dan how much that hurt me, but I can't I don't like it when people see me cry its embarrassing.

We got to dans apartment and sat on the sofa it was 5pm.

Dan:are you going to tell me, what you are hiding from me?

Jade:hiding? I'm not hiding anything.

Dan:"you better hope Dan doesn't fine out about this!"

Jade:oh, .......... Don't be mad. Please.

Dan:no promises

Jade:please Dan?

Dan:I can't make that promise jade,

He grabbed my chin holding it to look at him.

I let out a sigh nodding.

Jade:z-Zander ......

Dan:kissed you,

Jade:how do you know?

Dan:I can just tell, you seemed to be upset when I came,

Jade:your not mad?

Dan:oh, yes i am. you have no idea how badly I want to go kill him,

Jade:but you won't, right?

Dan:well, I won't kill him,

I rolled my eyes and Dan laughed. and pulled me to snuggle to his chest. and he turned on some weird show. and after awhile I felt that Dan was asleep.

I pulled my phone out and sat on the floor, going on twitter. something's on there hurt way more then you could imagine,

Did you guys see jade on the interview she's so fake!!!!!!!

Ewwww, jade is u.g.l.y

I think it's cute Dan thinks she's never had sex, when we all know what a slut she is!

"Slut" "ugly" " nasty" "bitch" "whore"

I started crying slightly trying not to make a sound. a hand reached down and yanked my phone out of my hand scaring me. I stop crying and I was wiping  my tears away quickly. I turned and saw Dan looking at my phone I stood up and sat next to him. he handed me my phone and then pulled out his phone and started typing on his phone i look to see what Dan did he he deleted my twitter app. I sighed he handed me his phone standing up causing me to look up and he walked somewhere in his room.

@bastilledan:I've seen that some of you guys have been sending jade some rude messages I would like it if you would stop.

@bastilledan:I love her.

Dan:lets go eat,

I looked up and Dan was standing there with my jacket by the door. I slid my phone in my pocket standing up taking the jacket from him. and I handed him his phone and he grabbed my hand looking at me in eyes it felt like he looking at my sole he pulled me to him wrapping his arm over my shoulder kissing the top of my head,

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now