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These streets are yours, you can keep them
I don't want them
They pull me back, and I surrender
To the memories I run from

Oh, we have paved these streets
With moments of defeat

But even if we won't admit it to ourselves
We'll walk upon these streets and think of little else
So I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore

These streets are yours, you can keep them
In my mind it's like you haunt them
And passing through I think I see you
In the shapes of other women

Oh, we have stained these walls
With our mistakes and flaws

But even if we won't admit it to ourselves
We'll walk upon these streets and think of little else
So I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore

All that's left behind
Is a shadow on my mind
(Oh, a shadow comes upon a wall is silhouette and nothing more but it's all that's left behind)
Is a shadow on my mind
All that's left behind

But even if we won't admit it to ourselves
We'll walk upon these streets and think of little else
So I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore

I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore

I slowly woke up and noticed I was In my room I sat up looking at the time it was 6:33 that means I have 3hours till school. then I remembered what happened last night and got up but then step on something or someone.

Dan:morning to you too.

he stood on his knees I had my hand over my mouth because one: I felt bad two:he scared me half to death.

he chuckled and grabbed my feet pulling me to him And pulled my hands from my face kissing my noise and cheek then neck then forehead.

Dan:I better go before joe things something,

jade:he's here?

Dan:yeah he got here at one maybe.
I was lying on your bed next to you but then I heard the front door open and close then I heard foot steps coming so I took one of your blankets and laid on the floor acting like I've been sleeping there.


he smiled and kissed my cheek I'll see you later. joes off today so I can't take you to school today.

I sighed and peeked his lips and he smiled and stood up returning to his 6'2 figure and walked out

I grabbed the twin peeks shirt Dan gave me for my birthday and black skinny jeans and red chucks and walked to my bathroom and took a shower and put the clothes on and laced up my shoes and brushed my long brown hair in to a side ponytail and cleaned up after myself then I realized I left my bag and phone at Dan's I walked down the stairs and saw joe sitting on our sofa the (movers brought our stuff last Sunday.)



joe:I saw Dan slept over.

jade:yeah we were watching this movie at his place he must of brought me back here and didn't want to leave me alone so he stayed.

joe:you and him never kissed or had sex right?

jade:god, joe

joe:I got to make sure he's a good man and stuff.

jade:no we have not or will we ever! I'll be back!

joe:where are you going.

jade:forgot my stuff at dan's!

I walked up the stairs to Dan's

I walked to the door but it was slightly open I opened it slowly and looked around.

jade:Dan? Dan?

I sighed walking inside grabbing my bag and phone. I turned around and Dan was standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist and
he was running his hands though his hair

Dan:that's braking in you know.

jade:not when the door is left open.

I felt my cheeks get hot I knew I was blushing badly.

he chuckled

Dan:I was going to bring that.

jade:well I came to get it.


I turned to walk out the door I opened it but someone pushed it so It closed I looked up and saw dan's hand. I turned around and looked at him.

jade:and this is called holding  someone hostage.

Dan:not if they want to be here.

jade:who said I wanted to be here?

Dan:oh you don't?

he wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me to his bare chest.

Jade:I didn't say that either.

Dan:then what do you choose?

jade:that's for me to know and you to never find out.

he chuckled and kissed me I wrapped my hands around his neck. after some time I pushed him off slightly

jade:joes going to tell if my lips gloss is all over my face.

he smiled and started to wipe it off the side of my lips and and kissed my forehead. and handed me my phone

dan: you forgot this.

I smiled and walked down to my house.


I shook my head hoping I wasn't still blushing.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now