Sixty one

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I sat on the floor in my bathroom holding the pregnancy text waiting to see, I forgot to tell dan last night that I stopped taking brith control. Carman sat next to me as I cried and told her he was going back on tour and if I was pregnant he wouldn't be there with me. She just hugged and told me everything is going to be alright. We were in my apartment that joe gave to me. I knew dan was up in is apartment I lied to him and told him I went out for ice cream with carman.

It was time I picked it up from the floor

It was positive.

Oh my god.


4weeks later.

Betty and crystal moved in to my apartment. I still haven't told Dan that I was pregnant today is his last day here. right now I sat next to Dan who was looking at me like I was crazy because I yelled at him for touching me.

dan :what's wrong with you? did I do Something?

I sighed.

Dan:you've been so distant lately I know that me leaving is making you sad but I dont want to go I didn't chose to leave so don't be angry with me.

I sighed. again

jade:i'm sorry i just, I just.

Dan:what? you just what?


dan : were you ever going to tell me?

jade: What?

Dan sighed standing up he pointed at the trash can I knew he was talking about the pregnancy test because it was the only think in there.

dan :when you came home that night I saw you toss it in the trash can. And I knew you were still home I heard you crying.

jade:Im so sorry dan .

Dan:its okay

he sat down next to me.

Dan:I just don't understand how this happened.

Jade:I didn't take my birth control for 2months.

I said not looking at him.

Dan:why didn't you tell me.

Jade:I forgot.

Dan:well now you are pregnant.

He sighed and started crying.

Dan:no, no no no no no no don't cry please jade.

He wrapped his arms around me.

Dan:please don't cry.

Jade:you are mad at me it's all my fault and I know it.

Dan:I should of asked, and it takes two people to tangle.

I sighed.

Jade:I don't want to have the this baby Dan I'm not ready. I'm only 17

Dan sighed.

Dan:I'm not letting you kill her or him.

I sighed.

Jade:you want it?

Dan nodded.

Dan:I've always wanted to have kids but, I can understand if you want to give it away. I just don't want you to kill the baby.

I looked at him.

Jade:your not even going to be here when the baby is born!

Dan:yes I will.

Jade:you could still be have way across the country.

Dan:when the due date comes close I'll stay with you.

I nodded.

Dan:there is a living thing inside of you and we made it. I'm going to be there with you even if you like it or not.

I hugged him crying on his shoulder.

Dan:i know that you think that I won't love you anymore because you are pregnant but that isn't true, I love you just the same jade.

I held to him tight. He could read me inside and out,

Jade:why do you have to be famous?

Kyle:Dan we have to go!

I was begging Dan not to go to stay here with me.

Jade:please Dan.

He was holding me and Betty was behind me telling me to let Dan go.

Dan:one minute Kyle!

Dan took me to the bathroom shutting the door. he looked down at me and looked in to my eyes and was wiping my tears away from my face.

Dan:I am going to call, you text you Skype you I'll even tweet you everyday. I promise. I'm so sorry that this is bad timing but I promise jade I'm here for you though thick and thin,

I have to go jade. I love you.

I stopped crying. I loosened up. Dan went to kiss me but I turned my head away.

Jade:I can't.

Dan sighed understand.

Dan:do you want me to drop you off at your doctors appointment?

I nodded and I told Betty Dan was dropping me off at carman's house so I could calm down.

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now