Forty five

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Jade's POV~


I nodded. And dan got out of the car and so did I.

He held his hand out for me and I gladly took it. We walked up to a really big house music was blasting so loud and you could here yelling and smell the Beer from here.

Dan sighed I knew he wasn't really one to go to party's. But one of kyles friends started the party for bastille don't ask me why. Dan rang the door bell and I bursted out laughing, who was going to answer the door you can hear anything at all. A girl opened the door and smiled at dan letting us inside dan held tight to my hand pulling me behind him. Past all of the drunken ones we got to a kitchen all the windows where open and doors it was freezing. I zipped up dans hoody.


I looked at the plates on the table no. Thank. You.

Jade:the food looks like the food that girl was eating in the bad blood video.

Dan laughed.

I pulled my arms in my sleeves trying to get worm.

Dan:are you cold?

I nodded and he pulled me to him wrapping his arms around me.

Some blond girl came walking in the kitchen. Ugh. This was the only place no one was.

Blond girl:oh my god I thought they where lying when they said bastille was gong to be here!

Dan just nodded.

Blond girl:I don't want you to have a girlfriend dan.


Blond girl:she's so young, and ugly.

Dan:do you mind going away please?

The blond rolled her eyes, then Kyle came walking in holding a shot glasses.

Kyle:dan come drink with me!

Dan:I don't think that's a good idea.

Kyle:come on, please? It's my birthday tomorrow!


Oh god.

Kyle:ten for you ten for me! Ready one two go!


Dan picked up the small glass and it was gone fast

Then all ten of them are gone.

A lady gave Kyle more then dan more he drunk twenty shots in 3seconds. Then dan started laughing and was talking to Kyle then they started drinking something brown out of a bottle. I sat on a stool playing on my phone. after a long two hours dan came over to me.

Dan:hey babe.

I rolled my eyes.

Dan started rubbing my legs lightly, something he never did before. He started touching all over my body. I just let him because I really didn't care. I called a taxi I really didn't want to be here, I didn't feel safe with drunk Dan.

Dan:come sit on my lap.

Okay, now he sounds crazy and I'm grossed out.

Jade:dan can I ask you a few questions.

Dan:I know the answers.

Jade:who I'm i?

Dan:my very sexy girl friend.

Jade:alright. Can we go home now?

Dan:sure babe.

I rolled my eyes dragging him outside to get the taxi

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now