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Eh-eh-o eh-o [8x]

I was left to my own devices
Many days fell away with nothing to show

And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
Nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

We were caught up and lost in all of our vices
In your pose as the dust settled around us

And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above

But if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
Nothing changed at all?

when I came home joe was really mad because I wasn't home before him and he kept asking me if I had sex with Dan and I kept saying no loudly.
and then he gave me a pain killer for my eye and sent me off to bed. its 4am and i can't go to sleep because I had a bad dream about tommy coming and really raping me this time. also I was wondering if Dan was okay. when we got home and took me to my door and walked me in and then left without saying anything he just left me in the door way wondering what was he doing.

I got out of bed and grabbed some jeans and a random pink top and my chucks and put my house key in my back pocket and my phone in the other, and tip toed down the stairs and out the front door locking it behind me. and running up the stairs. I slowly opened dans door and walked inside.

okay one Dan was drinking A LOT there where bottles of jack Daniels every where and Beer on the coffee table and Dan sat there staring at a wall on the sofa.


he turned his head looking at me. and right away I could tell he was drunk.

Dan:baby! come over here.

I sighed picking up the beer bottles from the floor and the two empty jack Daniels bottles and putting them in the trash I walked in to the kitchen and maybe 7 or 8 bottles jack Daniels I could tell he dumped most of it in the sink. I picked them up putting them in the trash. and walking over to Dan who was still staring at the wall.

jade:hey Dan?

Dan:yeah. Babe.

he said not looking at me. It was weird that he called my baby and babe he never really has before.

jade:what were you doing?

Dan:trying to get rid of all of my alcohol.

jade:how much did you drink?

Dan:13 beers maybe and two cups of jack Daniels.

He said holding up his fingers trying to count 13 on his ten fingers yep he was drunk.m

jade:you dumped the rest out?


jade:are you drunk?

Dan:a little maybe.

jade:what were you doing with all of the alcohol?

Dan:I had a party a mouth or two ago and people brought a lot of it mostly jack Daniels. because they thought it was funny because of my name.

jade:are you okay?

Dan ran his hand though his mess of hair.


jade:do you want to go to bed?

Dan:no, I'm trying to think.



I nodded sitting next to him.
he put his arm around me pulling me closer.

Dan: I'm sorry,


Dan:almost killing your ex boyfriend

I giggled. touching his hair, knowing he would of if he could. But he can't

Dan:how's your eye?

jade:it's black. I can't even cover it up with make-up with out it showing.

he sighed. getting up from the sofa walking to his music room sitting a the piano and started playing Irreverence:

These chords make her so happy, especially when he plays them that way
What she says makes him so happy, complimenting him all day
Well I don't love you, but I love your songs
Well I don't love you, but your words make me feel like I belong

She begs him to keep playing these chords
even though he and they may get a little tired
And he implores her to keep saying that stuff because her hollow words are keeping him
Well I don't love you, but your songs are keeping
me amused
Well I don't love you, but you'll do as an
adequate muse

Well I love the opticians, 'cause it's not your fault if
your eyes are bad
And they can't make you feel guilty, and they're
hardly gonna blame your mum and dad
The doctors and the dentists, can see how much you've indulged
By learning of what condition you're in, they can
tell what you've never divulged
And it's up to you to look after yourself, which is
so boring, ring, ring, bring me down

Well I don't love you, but I love your songs
Well I don't love you, but your words make me
feel like I belong.

I watched as he ran his hands though the keys. he voice was amazing but what was this song even about?

he pulled his glasses out and started writing on a paper when I saw pictures of him wearing his glass because he looked so cute. but I hope he isn't writing music right now when he well drunk... he got up and handed me the paper:

my love is yours.
is your love mine?
do you love me or my songs?
would you mind if I'D hold you in my arms all day?
do you want money or fame? or just me? because I'll shower you in fame and money if that is what it takes to make you happy. and if all you want is me then I'll always be there next to you with my heart and sole.
there was a hole in my sole but you filled it. and l'll give you anything you want to keep that hole filled.and you there. -Dan

I read the paper feeling touched. but also a little sad. I put it in my back pocket following Dan and he sat back on the sofa staring at the wall with his glasses on. I grabbed his arm pulling him to the bed room and siting him on the bed.

jade:Dan lay down and go to sleep.

he did as told and I pulled the blanket over him.

Dan:were are you going?

jade:home I'll see you in the morning.

he kissed my hand and then closed his eyes. and after some seconds he was dead asleep I took his glasses off of his face and placed them on his night stand. and went back down to my apartment and read over the paper Dan gave me.

all I need is you to keep me happy

THE Young AND the Younger {a dan smith fanfic bastille}Where stories live. Discover now