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Let's get into story. ...
Abhi was wondering how to start the conversation while pragya noticed him little tensed. PRAGYA looking at him ,abhi..what happened..why are you looking tensed.abhi without looking at her ,nothing.. pragya turns him towards her saying there is something..come on tell me..don't hide. .abhi in his mind,it's the time abhi..tell what you feel about her..don't worry about results. .pragya looks at him worried. Abhi kneels down taking pragya's hands in his...she looked suprised as what he gonna do..
Abhi ,pragya I am going to tell everything what I feel for you in my heart..after I met you I am feeling restless..I could not even take my eyes from you when you are near me..I could not be normal..I think I am lost in you..I don't know what you feel for me but now I will say what I feel for you. I LOVE YOU ...I LOVE YOU PRAGYA...Pragya looked at him in shock ..abhi continued , I love you, not because of what you have but because of what I feels.. I care for you, not because you need care but because I want to.. I'm always here for you, not because i wan't you to be with me but because i want to be with you..Never ask why I love you, just accept that I do, and that I will for the rest of my life.
Can i keep you and never let you go? Can i hold your hand and hug you tight? Can i tell the world how lucky i am to have you in my life? or simply, can you be mine for the rest of my life?..abhi finished and looks at pragya who was looking at him in shock..abhi gets up and says I don't need the answer now ..take your own time..I arranged this dinner to spend some time with you..I am not like typical lover to compel you to love me's your right..I will accept what you decide.. PRAGYA smiles at him. Abhi looks at her in accept me look..
Pragya, abhi ..I don't know what should I answer now.. because i never loved nor anyone proposed..I don't know how to react. I don't know what I feel for's friendship or love.. I really don't know how to react ...and abhi..I need some time .. to prepare myself for this relation..please.. abhi smiles saying it's I told take your own time..I will wait for you..but don't forget I will keep on living you.. you know after listening to your words my love for you is more.. pragya smiles at him. Abhi with little bit hesitation, can I ask you one thing.. pragya nods her head in yes. Abhi, can I hug you.. pragya eyes widened .. pragya in mocking tone , now only you told that you will wait for me..what happened now.. abhi ,tell directly if you can't...pragya smiles at his anger. That time they heard riya's voice. Abhi ,I think riya came..let's go come.he holds her hand and both comes to living room.
Arjun,arey yaar..why you are late..
Arjun was asking riya but she was looking at abhi and pragya. PRAGYA could feel something wrong and she holds abhi's hands tight . Abhi looks at her and smiles . Tanu and nikkil were also back from their drive.
Tanu, pragya. .you know what this idiot did ..pragya smiles at her as their nok-jhoks started.pragya,I don't want to hear anything..can we leave.. abhi,but why so soon.. purab,abhi.mits almost 11..they have to leave na .. abhi looks at him in I will see you later look.purab returns I am waiting bro look.. pragya feels uncomfortable because of riya's presence and also she want to share about abhi's proposal to tanu .she takes her bag and says I really enjoyed a lot guys...looking at abhi , she continued ..thanks a lot.. abhi nods his head and purab and arjun coughs.
Purab ,I am too here pragya..
Pragya in teasing tone,how could I forget you Romeo.
Purab, know after you started calling Romeo I am not even flirting with any girl..
Pragya in suprised tone, is it..
Arjun,arey wah. .you made a great thing yaar..finally me and abhi are now safe..
Tanu, what you mean..
Nikkil, you can never understand his style..he used to flirt girls by using our names and if he is done he will leave them and the girls father will come and beat us..we have to hear for him. Pragya, it's not fair Romeo.. purab holding his ears, sorry..I will not repeat..
Abhi quite jealous , now you are not getting late. Arjun,I think someone is getting jealous.. abhi,I don't guys carry on..whether you want to go ..go or you have to chat with them am leaving.he left in quite anger where pragya smiles .
Purab, go your real Romeo is in anger.. riya, I will see and she was about to go.. pragya stops her saying no need riya.. riya,what you mean..listen.. pragya,arey chill..he will itself come within 5 seconds. Tanu in suprised tone, how..pragya winks at her.she counts 5...4...3..2...abhi comes there saying you left your phone in my room itself.all looked at him in shock.pragya takes her phone saying thank you..and abhi..I am done .. will you drop me.abhi smiles at her.tanu ,then me..nikkil, I am here tanu.. abhi,my pleasure.. riya, but have to drop me.. abhi looks at her and then pragya.. pragya understanding his confusion ,it's ok..I will go with need to worry.. abhi in sad tone, are you sure.. pragya smiles at him nodding yes . NIKKIL,ha..I will drop them in their hostel..purab, riya ..if you dont mind I can drop you let abhi go with pragya.. pragya,no purab..I am nikkil gonna drop tanu right..I will go with them.. purab smiles at her. All starts to move ,riya was happy that abhi is in her side..she knew he can never leave her..she thinks I have to prove abhi that pragya is not right for him soon.she looks there shocked. While all were leaving abhi was standing sad where pragya hugs him and kissed his cheeks.she whispered in his ears ,don't be doesn't suits you..and will miss you..saying this she ran away. Abhi shouts pragya but she left .abhi touched his cheeks where she kissed and smiles. Riya sees this and gets anger.....
The screen freezed between abhi's smiling face and riya's anger face..

Will be continued....

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