chapter 38

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Sorry guys for my late update. .as I said I am having exams , I could not update ...let's get into the story. ..

    Pragya's pov :

      I opened my eyes when the sun rays but my face like it's gonna kill me . I stretched my hands in tiredness and looked around my room . It's the same room where I am living like a lifeless body for around 3 years. Nothing changed in  my life as nobody can change what happened in my life. I still put a smile on my face for my ma's happiness.  I am becoming a good actor by acting infront of aditya but I know he will surely find the truth one day. I don't know how I am going to face him once he finds the truth. My thoughts were again lost when I heard a knock on my door.  I got out of my bed which is the place I used to share my secrets most probably in night by shedding my tears as no one can even doubt on me and it makes me to feel better after a deep sleep. I opened my door to find no one near my room. I led out a sigh as I know it's just a stupid idea of aditya to irritate me. I was again to close the door when I heard loud laughing noise. My eyes popped out seeing the person before me. "Ma.." I screamed and walked towards her and hugged her in happiness.  I know it's aditya who brought her . I looked at him while still hugging ma and thanked him through my eyes. He nods his head in acceptance and I broke the hug. " how are you pragya? " ma asked me as I agaij started to act before her that I am good but ma knows about me well. I nod my head to which she looks blankly at me. I know she found out the truth and I tried to change the topic. My goodness , bulbul screamed di. ..while entering with the luggages. "     you are also here..." I asked while moving towards bulbul who got annoyed of carrying the luggages . " can't you help me? " bulbul shouted at aditya who nods his head and takes her hand bag from her hand. " I asked you to take this luggage " she pointed on ma' s bag and  let out a big sigh.  aditya gave an oops reaction and carried the bag to their room. " he is always like this.." ma tells while my thoughts were floating about some other matter.I was brought back to my sense when bulbul hugged me from the back.i just looked at her to which she asked " di. .you know today aditya is going for an award function..are you going to accompany him?  She asked me to which I looked blankly at her.seriously I am unaware of that news. I nod no while bulbul started her stupid walla talks..oh god. .how much this girl will speak? Better mute her voice..i was mentally praying to god while she continues " di. .he have a supride for you..for must go with him for sure ..henna ma.." she asked ma who nods her head. Seriously ma and daughter. .both are making me to dance on their tunes. I walked from there after my ma finished her lectures that I should go with aditya. Without having any way , I just now my head. I left to my room where I saw him pacing here and there. I locked the door and moved towards him.
" seriously it's not me ..and bulbul trapped me.." aditya tells while holding his ear . " how she knows about that function .." I  asked quite in irritated tone. " how do I know..but believe ka kasam .." he placed his hand above his head. " woh..what's the suprise.." i asked to which aditya smiles at me. " if you come..sure you will itself understand. ." ADITYA tells while leaving the  room.

End of pov


5 days before

   " sir , our flight is at 5:30 and we can reach there by 8 or 9 and it will be perfect time to enter that function ...'' abhi's assistant tells him while he was looking at his phone furiously. ' sir ..may I.? ' his assistant asked while abhi looks at him with a blank expression. " you arrange as you said..but it should be pakka.." purab said as  he entered with bulbul . Abhi looks at them with a frown and bulbul glares at him. " I know you don't want me to come here but purab asked me to come here.." bulbul said as she sits infront of abhi. " I am so happy that you came here even though after what happened between me and your sister " abhi tells as he looked at her who stares at him.  " how is she? " abhi asked to which bulbul gave a blank expression.  " who?  " she asked him to which abhi nods his head with a smile. " I think you didn't forgot your sister so soon..please bulbul..I know that you know everything about her..I am not asking where is she ? But I want to know how is she. ? " abhi pleads her while bulbul looks at purab. " you asked me to come here for this purab.." she asked purab with a glare. " it's not his mistake.." Abhi tells while leaning on his chair. " she left you and us and living far away from us happily and I don't think you will disturb her if you know where she lives. ..let her live in peace please abhi.." bulbul tells as she gets up from the chair. " I am happy that she exist.." Abhi tells as bulbul looks at him. " don't look at me like that..I know you are going to meet your pyari sister...tomorrow.." Abhi smirks at her and says " it's not a tough task for me to find where pragya is... because i neared her..wait for some days..who knows I may met her in this trip. .." bulbul glares at him while he completes his sentence and leaves from there..


   " I want di and abhi to meet for a time then everything will get normal.." bulbul thinks while she sits on her bed with pragya's and abhi's photo.  " I always wanted abhi and di together as I will not allow anyone to harm her even if it's ma..." she hugs the photo close to her heart and lies on the bed...


Exclusive precap...

    " is she is near me..." Abhi looks around impatiently while pragya passes by. .

   " is he is around me... " pragya thinks whilr looking around.

  " I want my jaan to receive this award behalf of me .. "

   Everyone looks at her ....


        Let's wait ...

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