chapter 43

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Thanks A lot guys...for your from now I am going to set a target..

60 views + 30 votes ...

After achieving this I will update my next one..hope I will get some time as it will not reach so soon...

Coming back to the story. ..

" what I am going to do in your bachelor's party..." pragya exclaimed while tieing her hair into a bun.  It has been three days she met abhi after that drastic night and she is relief that he didn't disturb her by his emotions or useless talks.

" you have to my friends wants to see you.." aditya tells which makes pragya to come out of her thoughts.

" no..I am not coming..I don't have any intrest in these parties..." pragya said while giving his coffee mug and starts to sip hers.

" you are mu darling right...sarla ma will feel happy if she comes to know that you are happy with me..." aditya tells looking at her.

PRAGYA had no other option as he used sarla ma's name.with no intrest she accepts it.

" okay I will come..but don't expect me to be there for whole night..." pragya tells and adi smiles at her.

She hugs him saying " that's my cutie...okay be ready..and the dress colour is black..." aditya tells while leaving from there.


" we have to do something..." riya tells as arjun and purab looks at her.

They are in their lawn area of the hotel and was discussing about abhi and pragya.

" but pragya decided to move on with aditya..we cant force her right.." purab tells as arjun too agrees with him.

" but she is marrying him due to her mother's compulsion..." riya tells and both looks at her in shock.

" how come you know about this ..." arjun asked her and riya looks at them.

Fb starts...

" look  ...I want abhi and pragya back together.  I know what I did was wrong and I realised it so I want to unite them..." riya tells to bulbul who looks at her in anger.

After many voice notes , calls and messages , bulbul agreed to meet her for one time.

" but how can i believe you that you are not playing game with my di's life..." bulbul asked folding her hands.

She is not in mood to again believe her as her sister suffered a lot because of her evil mind.

" I swear I will not....I realised that abhi is my best friend and treats me like a friend and trust me I realised only After pragya left us...." riya tells as tears starts to flow from her eyes.

" I could not believe till now...but my di thought me not to hurt others...and listen..pragya di is going to marry aditya.." bulbul tells and riya looks at her with sad  face.

" kya..hua ..I told you a big thing but you didn't reacted for it.." bulbul asked confused.

" I know that...infact,  aditya invited us for his engagement...but one thing I want to know is , pragya loves aditya..." riya asked and bulbul shooks her head.

" no ...not at all..she is doing all this for ma as she blackmailed her...still now she loves abhi but is not ready to accept the truth..." bulbul blurts the truth.

Riya hugs her and says " thank you so much's enough that I will guarantee that she will not marry that aditya..." riya shouts and leaves from there.

Fb ends.

" so are you sure about this?  " purab asked and riya miss her head.

" I have a plan to unite abhi and pragya again...." riya tells and purab , arjun looks at her as she is the same riya who boils in anger of abhigya's closeness.


It was evening as aditya and pragya reached the venue. Everyone greeted them and pragya was looking around to see if abhi is around her.

" what you are looking for? " aditya asked while moving her  hair strand behind her ear while pragya stops him.

" nothing...I was just looking around..." pragya lies to aditya and moves with him.

" welcome pragya and aditya..." riya tells and aditya smiles at her.

" I have to welcome you but I think we are late..." aditya blabbers something.

" it's not a you are groom.." riya tells with a fake smile.

" ok you girls carry on...i will meet my friends and will join with you..." saying that aditya left from there to meet his friends.

" how are you pragya...?" Riya asked which irritated pragya.

" fine..." pragya replies looking at her with a blank face.

" are you looking for abhi...?" Riya read her mind but poor pragya didnt accept it.

"No..I am not...why should I...?" She said by adjusting her hair.

  " hold on..I will come now..." riya tells and moves from there.

After a while...

    PRAGYA was talking woth her friend when she heard arjun and purab's voice.

" I could not see him like this..." purab tells with a sad face.

" what to do's all his fate ...and I am feeling sad for him.." arjun starts to act.

" what they both are talking it about abhi...where is he..." pragya thinks and starts to hear again to their convo.

" I wish pragya should talk to abhi once...atleast he should stop drinking..." purab tells and quickly looks at pragya who is listening to them.

" yes...its almost 3rd bottle...he is drinking more day by day..." arjun tell and winks at purab.

" come..let's see what's gonna happen..." purab tells and takes arjun with him.

While crossing,  purab makes a thumbs up with riya and she winks at him and pragya didny noticed it.

Riya shouts quite audible to pragya..

" my day comes ... my dream gonna happen in real soon...I will take an advantage as he is drunken and will make out today...everyone is busy with their works and I will take abhi with me...from tomorrow he will come behind me and will forget pragya forever...."  she tells and dalls away...

Pragya looks shocked and thinks what to do now....

Screen shifts between abhi's drinking face and pragya's confused face...

So what will pragya do now...
Will she accept that she loves abhi

To be continued....

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