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Thanks a lot guys...for commenting as well as reading...a special thanks to tisha di who used to comment first..thanks a lot di. ..

" Today is the first day ... though I completed a year in Delhi but this Mumbai city is new for me. My sister got her seat in this college and she dragged me here . I am quite capable of adapting soon but my sister throws tantrums . And to my goodness she is not my roommate but she is next room...." pragya was thinking about her sister bulbul when she reached her college.though it's her first day she feel relief and she was wearing a kurti and white pant looking stunning PRAGYA was searching for bulbul as she came to college earlier .she didn't see her from morning..pragya was looking around when she saw a girl in red shirt and black pant laughing with her friend....she saw a girl with her who look stunning in her red dress.pragya walks to her saying bulbul , i was searching for you from the morning..where were you..bulbul giggles saying di. .I will not talk to you left me and came soon to college.pragya,I thought to go for library..bulbul,you and your stupid books di. .both laughed.pragya,you won't introduce your friend to me..bulbul in excited tone,ofcourse di. .di. .she is aliya.aliya it's pragya di. PRAGYA looks at the girl whom bulbul introduced to her.she was looking stunning in her red dress.bulbul,guess di. .she is rockstar's sister.pragya in confused tone,who is it?. BULBUL, di. .you are dumb.abhi the rockstar..pragya in low voice,I don't know anyone as abhi..bulbul looking towards aliya,see aliya..she is like this. She only knows about books..nothing more than that.pragya in irritated tone,if I keep on standing will be complaining me..let me leave to class..and be with's your first day..don't go alone else seniors will rag. BULBUL in teasing tone,I will be safe but take care of it's your first day in this college..pragya leaves from there in anger.
Pragya was on her way to classroom when a group of guys called her .pragya looks at them in gesturing me. They too nodded.pragya moves towards them.
Boy 1: are you fresher...
PRAGYA nodding her head, yes..but I am second year.
Boy2: you got transferred but it also means you are fresher..purab give her a task.the boy1 is none other than purab
PURAB ,I don't have any idea arjun.
Yes the other boy is none other than arjun
PURAB, you have any idea.a guy in black t-shirt who was sitting next to him looks at pragya .
Abhi by looking at pragya, purab..I have an idea..hey you..pointing pragya..PROPOSE TO THE UGLIEST MAN IN THIS COLLEGE...AND BY NOW..HE MUST BE THE MOST UGLIEST...

PRAGYA looks at him in atmost shock but she was not in fear ,she was shocked by seeing a girl near her in black and white dress sobbing hard.
PURAB looking at the girl,arey..are you a kid ..why are you crying.what's your name..
The girl,tanu..still sobbing.
PRAGYA looks at her as she looks like bold but was crying for this ragging ..anyhow she have to save that girl...Abhi pointing pragya,why are you standing like this..come on..find soon..the girl next to abhi gives her rose .pragya looks at him who looks smart ,handsome and a girl near her .she thinks may be his girlfriend ...and she also thinks it's non of her business..
PRAGYA walks to Abhi .Abhi looks at her confused.
PRAGYA in loud voice, according to me..the qualities you need to be most ugliest is inside you..Abhi widened his eyes...pragya continued ,you are the most cheap,ugliest man in this world asking us to propose ,kiss Mr.what ever you are..I LOVE YOU...BUT I HATE YOU..done Mr .Romeo ..she looks at purab and winks at him.
The girl next to her,hey dare you are..
Abhi looking at professor,riya. .it's ok..riya,but abhi...Abhi sighs her to look at professor.
PRAGYA smiles at her and holds tanu's hands and walks from there...

Riya, can you be so silent.
Abhi smiling ,leave it yaar..see she is our junior..let's do after what ever we want..
PURAB,but abhi..let's leave this matter.
Riya, how can we are supporting her..
PURAB in annoyed tone ,I am not supporting anyone..I am saying..let's drop this matter
Abhi,no purab..she insulted me in front of everyone..I will show her who am I .
Arjun ,abhi .I too agree with purab.
Abhi, let's discuss about it later..let's go.
After reaching near their class,tanu,thank god you saved me from there..I am TANUSHREE. ..
PRAGYA forwarding her hand, PRAGYA. Tanu holds her hand saying friends.PRAGYA, already we come..let's go inside. I dont want me and my friend to be late on first day..tanu smiles at her last sentence and both enters in.
After taking seats,
Pragya: why were you crying there..
Tanu, actually my friend promised that he will be with me when I am joining but he was in leave.
PRAGYA,boy friend.tanu nods her head smiling.pragya,not bad...
That time there boys's our Abhi, purab,arjun.
Abhi: hi know me..I am Abhi ,president of this college and this is arjun ,vice president and purab, treasurer of this college.
PRAGYA looks at them with her jaws dropped.Abhi winks at her.pragya closed her mouth with her hands .Abhi to arjun,yaar..she is looking beautiful. I could not control my laugh when she saw me jaws dropped.PURAB hearing that ,control Mr. Abhi ..we are seniors.
Tanu to pragya,yaar.they are our seniors..yup we are gone .pragya looked at tanu who was in atmost fear. PRAGYA holding tanu's hands,don't worry..but her hands are shivering. Tanu noticing it, are shivering.pragya nods her head in opposite direction.
Pragya atlast,I am not in fear..
Abhi,so guys all can talk to us freely as we are your seniors and more than that we are like friends.he looks at pragya who turned her face from him to arjun.Abhi noticed it thinking this much attitude..miss.attitude queen..Abhi,so guys..we are leaving can contact us when you need us.
Abhi ,purab and arjun leaves there.while walking to their classes,
Abhi,she is showing much attitude to me abhi the rockstar..
PURAB and arjun looks at each other..
Abhi, I never seen a girl like her.
PURAB in teasing tone,are you falling for her Abhi.
Abhi looks at him and nods no but his heart feels different.
It was lunch time when abhi enters with his gang. He sees his attitude queen and her friend sitting there.
Abhi stops pragya who was near the exit by holding her hands .

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