chapter 48

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                            's so special to me as today I inform prior that abhi and pragya gonna unite ....but how...let's ...wait let me thank you all for your support...I am wasting the time right..lets go..

Pragya looked sad as she could not do anything . Today because of her abhi gonna face a big problem. She cursed her fate for meeting him , falling in love and everything. If she didn't met him ,atleast he would have lived happily.

Aditya marched near pragya and she wiped her tears that was about to come out of her eyes.

" are you going to say the truth...act as you don't know anything..." aditya tells and sighs her to look at sarla.

Pragya looked at sarla who was talking with someone and aditya tells " if something happens wrong..then no one can save her.."

Pragya looks at him shock while he gestured her to smile. He moves from there and she was confused whether she have to think about abhi or her ma.

Her thoughts were broken down by abhi's voice.

She looked at the direction as abhi was smiling brightly and he was wearing her favourite jacket which she presented him .

Fb starts..

" pragya...where are you?  " abhi yelled while returning to his flat.

The lights were dim and he could see some one sitting near the balcony.

" oh...who is that...thief. ...oh abhi...he will not sit like this...until you come.." abhi was impatiently thinking who might me.

He walked towards the balcony and touched the person's shoulder with fear.

He suddenly heard a sound booohhhhhh....

Abhi kneels down not less than sitting holding the person's leg and begs to leave him.

" arey...whom ever you are...please leave can take whatever you want..." said abhi by closing his eyes tight .

With an instance ,he heard pragya's voice who was laughing continuously loud.

" you are insane...I thought to just play with .." she laughed in between her talks.

Abhi gets up with the sigh and sits near the sofa with the frustrated look.

PRAGYA looks at him and she knows she played with his feelings and sits beside him

" are you mad at me..." pragya asked with a shaking voice.

" no...not at all... I am feeling happy as my love gave me the best gift for my birthday...I thought you will prepare dinner or else will welcome me pleasantly but you...spoiled my mood..." Abhi complained like a child.

Pragya chuckled at his sentence and leaves from there.

" now where you are leaving..." Abhi asked but no response.

Abhi closed his eyes by leaning comfortable on the sofa.

After few minutes...

Pragya comes there with a cake and asked Abhi to get up.

He gets happy after seeing the cake.

" you planned for me..." Abhi asked surprisingly while pragya nods her head.

" Come on rockstar...cut this cake...I will tell you a secret after you eat this..." pragya said with her glistening eyes.

Abhi nods in happiness and cuts the cake.
Pragya feeds him with a piece and abhi accepts it.

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