chapter 22

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Thanks guys for your support. ..sure I will try to regular but I could not guarantee for the next week as my exams gonna that only I am giving back to back updates...
      " you are not alone..I am here with you.." Abhi consoled pragya who is crying by holding his shirt. Abhi , if you cry  like this then sure my shirt gonna have your tear's strain. Pragya pushed him asking you are worrying about your shirt and not me . She wiped her tears and abhi smiles at her. Abhi , you are really childish..always taking everything serious..come on pragya..grow up. Pragya looks at him while abhi winks at her. Pragya,  Abhi..I came to solve all the misunderstandings between us and now I have to go as arjun will be waiting for me. Abhi , you can..miss but after my kiss by day abhi is becoming a poet. He self praises himself.PRAGYA nods her head saying no kiss till you patch up with know how much he is worried . Abhi , I know as the mistake is mine..I should talk to him but your kiss will boost me..please fuggi. Pragya getting up says no means no..first do what I said..abhi , lady Hitler. PRAGYA chuckles saying not bad. They walks inside abhi's room from the balcony while nikkil and purab comes inside. PRAGYA turns by hugging abhi and burried her face on his chest with eyes closed while abhi smiles at her and purab and nikkil looks shocked. PURAB,  arey. .who is that she came's not started to come with girls in night. Abhi , oye. .look at her and turns pragya who closed her eyes tight . NIKKIL ,arey tum..PRAGYA..hearing his loud voice tanu comes there asking what happened and shocked to see pragya. Tanu in  happy tone , are here and hugs her. PRAGYA smiles while purab looks at abhi in anger. Abhi , why you are looking at me like this.. purab,  when you both patch up..and how..abhi, woh..PRAGYA stops him saying i cleared the misunderstandings between us and we are now together. Abhi , pragya.. actually I want to have a coffee from your hands..can you please. Pragya, now..Abhi nods and holds her hands. Pragya leaves saying i will be back while abhi sits on the bed. NIKKIL , I am so happy yaar..and hugs him. Tanu,  finally my darling is back . Purab , I was shocked when I saw a girl with you..Abhi,  do uou think I am mad . PURAB, but dont act as you are innocent ..yesterday preetu proposed you and you too accept it right.Abhi looks on while all hears her sound " what? ?" . Everyone looks at the direction and was shocked to see pragya with his coffee standing in anger. Abhi,  arey..what you are blabbering purab .pragya walks towards him while abhi continuously nods no. PURAB , tanu mutters , RIP abhi .. PURAB , woh. .I am sorry pragya..Abhi , see he is playing with you..dont take it serious.. he signals purab not to trap him. PRAGYA looks at purab who says ha. .pragya one correction's not preetu.'s neethu..PRAGYA glares at abhi in anger. Nikkil,  PURAB..what you are blabbering..purab winks at him. PRAGYA pours the coffee which was in her hand and shouts I hate you ..Abhi wipes his face with his hands while all laughs at him. Arjun comes there and was confused of the current scenario.he calls pragya and she runs to him saying i dont want him..Arjun , now what happened..don't say again you both fought..abhi, arey yaar..he pulls pragya towards him saying are you anger on me..what can I do? You left me and girls started to propose me..what's wrong with me fuggi.. being smart ,charming is wrong in me..he tells dramatically to which pragya smiles at him saying these not gonna work with me..who asked you to leave me ? Abhi , again you are starting from the beginning and hugs her . Arjun , if your love drama ends ..PRAGYA can we move.  He didn't looked at abhi which makes abhi hurt. Abhi holds arjun's hand and says I am sorry bro..I didn't thought twice before behaving with you like that..I am really sorry..please forgive me. Arjun looks at pragya who nods her head. Arjun hugs him saying it's sorry. thank you between us. I am not angry on you infact I was worried for you both.PRAGYA too hugs them saying be like this forever. Tanu and others hugs them and shared a group hug .

     Riya brokes the vase in anger . She was standing in her room with anger in the centre of the room as she saw the photo updated by purab in instagram. She also knows he purposly posted to prove that she could not seperate abhi and pragya as their true love will unite them. Riya shouts how can this happen? No this can't happen..I will not accept my defeat so soon ..that too by her..sure I all seperate them and abhi sirf mera hai ..she almost shouts while falling on the bed unconscious. 
          Arjun , I am really happy for you now..finally you both got patch up. ..PRAGYA smiles at him as they were on the way to home. PRAGYA begged abhi to leave her else ma will get worried and with much heavy heart abhi accepted her to leave but after a promise that tomorrow she should come soon to college. Pragya thinks he is still a kid and leaves from there with arjun. They reached home and pragya gets a doubt . When arjun was on his way to his room,  pragya: arjun..if ma knows about me and abhi. Arjun nods yes .pragya,  she is not angry on me.  Arjun, why should she? She is happy for you..and sweetheart it's time to let's speak tomorrow..after many days I am going to sleep...please ...good night..
Pragya smiles saying good night and leaves from there..

Will be continued. ..

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