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Hello guys..thanks for your support....I am really sorry for late updates actually Christmas celebrations going on no more talks let's get into the story. ....

" I really can't understand when I became crazy. He just kissed me as such in public and I too ..chee pragya..control yourself..if someone comes to know about it ..what will they think about you? " pragya thinks about her kiss when she collides with someone...

PRAGYA without looking at the person ,I am so sorry...she looks at the person and becomes happy. pragya,Tara. ..tum. ..good to see you here ..after many years.
Tara smiling at her ,finally you found me..actually I thought you might have forgotten me..and I saw you yesterday itself . PRAGYA ,then why you didn't you call me..Tara smiling ,you were busy with your bf. PRAGYA blushes hearing her words and says how are you..long time after seeing you beauty queen..Tara smiling you remember that..impossible you are..pragya ,how is my akadu...still like the monster or he changed. Tara looks down in sad and says time changes and he too changed.PRAGYA placing her hands on her shoulders ,what you mean. Tara , pragya..time changes and people too will change .there is no guarantee that they will be the same..PRAGYA,what happened sweet heart..Tara ,nothing pragya..leave are is your life. PRAGYA making Tara to sit near the bench and sits besides her, what happened...Tara cries by hugging pragya.pragya was shocked as she never seen her bestie crying like this. She consoles her by patting her back and some what she is relief now.tara, you know..he left me..he told that he never loved me and he is dating with his childhood friend . She made him against me and now we broke up each other. I am really broken down as I thought he is my everything.but he doesn't needs me pragya..and Pappa comes to know about this and we migrated from there and I don't want to hurt my parents and I am trying to move were right as you told me about him..but I madly loved him I am suffering ..PRAGYA looks at her in tears and says I could not believe rocky will do like's almost a shock for me..dont worry ..everything will be fine ..Tara nods her head and asks who is he..I know he is College come you both.. PRAGYA tells her everything. Tara, I am happy for you ...PRAGYA ,come I will intro you to my friends. Tara,no dear...tomorrow we can see as I am having an important meeting in Audi. PRAGYA nods her head and Tara leaves.

PRAGYA thinks to read a book when abhi taps her shoulder. PRAGYA smiles seeing him says well..I know you will come correct at wrong time...I set myself to read a book but you..abhi,how can you be so boring..he smirked at her when pragya looks at him saying that so..then go and love someone who is so romantic and she turns to other side .abhi,arey I am joking yaar..I saw a girl with you..who is she? .PRAGYA smiles turning to him saying my bestie..Tara , my childhood friend. Abhi , she was crying..what happened..PRAGYA gets sad and says her boyfriend ditched her.abhi , what.....but why..PRAGYA , she is my bestie abhi..we know each other from the age of 5. She is my classmate too and she will be a topper and I will be on second position. Abhi asks she studies well better than you..PRAGYA, hmm..we both will have a competion between us that who will be the topper and absolutely she will be..but we both never had a ego clash. Our two families became friends because of us like family friends. We both studied in same school till 12 . During that days she gets poor marks even fail.I don't know whats her problem..I really felt sad for her. During our quater exams she quite annoyed me by not talking to me ,mainly avoiding me. I felt really hurt and after my exams I confronted her. She starts to cry. I don't know what to do and what's going on.then she tells that she doesn't want me to get poor in my studies by joining with her.I was little bit confused and asked her to say straight. She tells that she is in love with our classmate. I was quite shocked because i know she is not a person like that. I asked her who..but you know after she told his name I was shocked to core .abhi in shocked tone, why you were shocked..did you too love him.PRAGYA making an anger face , are you mad..let me finish. He is one of the worst student in our class a play boy ..he used to flirt with girls and will talk cheesy lines and he will use them..I don't know how she fall on his trap.she usually used to curse him but she has a feeling for him and moreover she believed him I stood an obstacle for their love he asked her to choose whether me or him.this idiot choose him and she fought for him to me. Both started to keep distance as I will never discuss about their private matters..and from then I am just her friend....after finishing my studies I selected a college which is comfortable for me and she for her. Till now I thought they were happy in their relation but now she is telling that he left her for his childhood friend ..ya I can remember his so called friend..she used to be close to him..and we thought they are best friends..i don't know what to say , because of him she lost her charm know she used to be quite naughty but that is missing in her because of him. Abhi quite in questioning tone, she is more naughty than you..PRAGYA eyeing him ,when you saw that I am behaving like that..abhi smirking, just an hour before who kissed me and..PRAGYA closed her eyes and ears with her hands saying enough..enough..I don't want to hear anything...I want to ask you one thing..abhi holding her hands ,ha...pragya , abhi...can we also join Tara in our group..I know we can only make her like my old mussy. Abhi in confused tone ,mussy. PRAGYA laughs saying her pet name. ..abhi ,then for that idiot...sure you would have kept na ..pragya ,guess....karo. .abhi ,tuffy...PRAGYA asked what and nods no..abhi ,then..cheesy..PRAGYA nods no.abhi tired of asking her says then what ...pragya tells monster...abhi ,good name. ..MONSTER..PRAGYA smiles at him.abhi , one thing..I want to ask you..pragya ,hmm..and looks at him.abhi ,you kept names for purab,arjun ,Tara ,that rocky too then what about me..what you have kept..pragya gets suprised by his question as she never thought about that. Pragya, woh..I never thought about that..I like your name and your name is easy to call abhi..that's it..abhi , oye. .don't lie..I know i am not important to you you didn't keep me any names and pretends to cry. PRAGYA gets up and hugs him saying it's not like that..seriously I don't know what to name doesn't means you are not important to me..abhi cries loud asking matlab...pragya looks around as all were noticing them.she smiles nodding no to others and looks at abhi who is enjoying her hug . She looks at him in shock as she comes to know he is just acting and says oh..I am so sorry. By saying this she breaks the hug.abhi looks at her. PRAGYA smiles at him saying i forgot that there is a name for you..abhi in eager tone ,what...pragya coming towards abhi close shouts spoiled brat ....and runs from there. Abhi gets up saying you ....I will not leave you pragya for this. PRAGYA turns him .saying let's see ....and runs from there.. abhi smiles at her and says she is always silly...

Hope..I know I am late and it's not a clear episode and not many abhigya scenes but I introduced mouni as I thought pragya and mouni makes a good pair...I thought as riya ,arjun,purab abhi's friendship lies on other path where pragya and Tara (mouni's )will be damm crazy as you all will soon realize it because there will be more flashbacks and many more waiting for you..and "HAPPY CHRISTMAS "and "HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL..."MAY THIS YEAR BE YOUR SUCCESSFUL YEAR. ....BYE TAKE CARE..

soon will be continued...

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