chapter 49

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Hello my dear my exams are going on  ,  I could not update regularly.. please forgive me ... so without no bak baks  let's get into the story...

Pragya still hugging abhi , " you know how much I missed you these days ? " she said by closing her eyes in pain.

Abhi knows the pain as he too gone through it.

" you only left me... without even saying a bye.. " abhi complained like a child.

Pragya breaks the hug and looks at him in anger.

" I am telling how much I missed you... but you are thinking about that I didn't say a bye to you .. " she asked with a questioning look..

" my jaan is in anger now...let me tell about it later ..." Abhi said looking at her smilingly.

" you are disgusting...." pragya said and turned away from him looking blankly at the sky.

Abhi suddenly starts to laugh which makes pragya to wonder what happened.

" why you are laughing like this..." pragya asked him in  irritated tone.

" what you said... riya loves me and sacrificed every thing for me.. so I should marry her... " abhi asked her teasingly.

" it's the truth right... " pragya asked Abhi.

" if she heard this means.. sure you are dead today... " abhi said laughing in between.

" what you mean by .. " pragya asked confused.

" arey meri ma... she realised that what she felt for me is just an infatuation and not a love and now she started to search a good heart for her life. .. she treats me like a friend now.. I almost avoided her these years and she came to know how it feels when someone close to our heart moves away ... " said abhi without looking at pragya.

Pragya looks at him not able to believe what he told just now and moved towards abhi

She kept her hand on his shoulders and abhi turned towards her from the sky sight .

" you believe her now..." pragya asked with a shaking voice.

Abhi nods his head slightly and continues " what to do?  You know , I believed that one day you will return to me... and you so I too trust her that she will not break my heart again... " he said to which pragya smiles at him.

" and you know what..." Abhi asked while dragging her towards him as her head slightly hits his chest and she looked at him .

" your bro is eying at her.. its not good ... you know.." Abhi asked trying to control his laughter as he looked at her confused face.

" whom...purab..." pragya asked innocently.

" tumhari bhai..meri ma..." Abhi stressed the word and pragya realised what he said.

" what... but know because of this gap. . I could not even identify who loves whom. .." pragya said with a pout.

" who asked you to leave..." Abhi asked while holding her tight.

" don't start many times .. I should say.. " pragya said while trying to move away from him.

" okay.. don't get mad at me.. " abhi said chuckling at her.

PRAGYA rest her head on his shoulders while abhi was admiring at her.

" you believe that ma will agree for our marriage... " pragya asked after a gap.

" ofcourse.. she have to accept me.. I am a single piece.. you can get thousands of aditya but you can't get Abhi.. the ROCKSTAR. ..." Abhi self praised him.

" this much confidence is not good for your health.. so tell me what you gonna do next.." pragya asked as abhi moved away from her.

" I am planing big to expose aditya in front of your ma. If she believes that he is not the right person for you..then only I can enter right..." Abhi asked while pragya nods her head.

" you don't worry... after all i made you to fall in my trap. . Soon your mum will also fall for me.." Abhi said winking at her.

Pragya rushed to him and starts to beat asking " you trapped me... idiot.. "

Abhi stopped her and looked intensely into her eyes.

Both their hands were interlocked with each other and abhi moves pragya towards him.

She could not resist him and her heart starts to  beats fast.

She could not control herself and can't resist herself from him and placed her hand on his chest.

Abhi slowly holds her waist without breaking the eyelock and both stares at each other .

Pragya closed her eyes with fear and abhi looked at her lips.

He moves towards her and his lips touched her's but before that they both heard ringing sound of phone .

Pragya moved away from abhi and steadied herself and looks away from him.

" it's your phone..." Abhi said controlling himself .

Pragya attends the call and looks at abhi shyly

Abhi sighs her to concentrate on the phone and smiles at her.

PRAGYA smiles at him and she surrounds her hand around his hand and kept her head on his shoulders. 

" ha ma...." pragya said happily .




     Pragya removed her hand from him and abhi looks at her confused..

So what's that. .

Don't think again it's a separation...

No separation again...

I guarantee you...


Aditi. ..

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