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   Hello guys...hope you loved my previous episodes and let's get into today's episode..
      " what he is thinking of me..I am trying to imitate her?  Idiot ...I will not forgive him.." pragya says while getting inside the car. She sits near the window while turns to see nikil,tanu and arjun coming towards her. She looks back of them as abhi is missing. She wants to ask them but then she remembers about his words. " are you okay now..? " tanu asked while sitting near pragya.pragya nods her head while still looking for abhi. Arjun sits in the passenger seat while purab on the driver seat .pragya thinks may be he is in anger with me and left with riya. PRAGYA closed her eyes while feeling someone moving her to the centre. She opened her eyes to find abhi pushing her towards tanu while others smiling at her. Abhi doesn't even look at her ,he just sits beside her which irritates pragya. PRAGYA thinks he is just irritating me but remember pragya he is making you to speak first so he can escape from what he done few minutes back. She just took her book from the bag and starts to read. " hey..Harry potter " arjun smiles widely while asking her to which abhi looks at him in killer look. Arjun thinks arey yaar..can't you even shut your mouth for a moment..sure he gonna pull my legs.  " show me..i think you need a first aid now.." tanu tells pragya while making pragya to look at her. PRAGYA turns towards her and n dressed her wound . PURAB starts the car and they all were silent. PRAGYA thinks he didn't even try to talk with me..this much ego but I am having more than him..let me see how long he gonna stay like this. Abhi looks at her thinking " I know you will be in anger this minute as I didn't asked sorry nor tried to speak with her. The mistake is her's and why should I ask sorry to her. Let her speak this time. Soon pragya gets sleepy and she lies on tanu's shoulders. She closed her eyes thinking whether she should tell abhi about riya or not.


       PRAGYA opened her eyes as she could see only the ceiling of a faded painted room. She looks aside to find a big window with a balcony and the birds voice were cringing around her. She looked around to find herself on a king size bed . She gets up as she felt a sharp pain near her forehead . She closed her eyes shut as the pain is unbearable. She could not tolerate when she remembers about the incident.

Fb starts. ..
     PRAGYA was enjoying the ride as it's also her dream to drive near the highway with many cliffs.she thinks about how abhi cares for her and she smiles remembering about their cute moments. She looked riya's car in the rear mirror and smiles as she is before her . When she was about to turn left her car was dashed towards right which is almost a deep cliff and pragya looks at riya who smiles evily at her. PRAGYA takes her phone as she could not balance drops the phone down and remembers about abhi's words while she looks at her car burning from the front side due to wire cut and she is not in the sense to analyse it as she thinks her life is soon gonna end. PRAGYA closed her eyes saying sorry abhi..I could not fulfil your promise but sure I will be with you forever...she was thrown out of the car and rolls down near the rock while the car moves further deeper and blasted .pragya closed her eyes after knowing that she is alive....

Fb ends...
         She heard a knock while purab ,tanu , nikkil comes in. " how are you feeling ..?  " tanu asked while pragya looks at tanu nods her head up and down. PURAB chuckles asking " your brain is working correctly right.." pragya throws pillow on him while tanu asked " where is abhi..? " pragya asked " why you are asking me?  That idiot  was with you right.." tanu replies " no he was not there with us.." .purab looks sad which pragya noticed him." know where he is?" PRAGYA asked while purab says " he went out with riya and informed that he will return back after dinner " . PRAGYA looks sad and riya's words were ringing in her mind. NIKKIL looks at her saying " I will call him and he will come back.." .he takes his phone but pragya stopped him. Arjun comes there and sits beside pragya surrounding his hands around her .pragya smiles at him." Do you know ,how much I was worried for you.." Arjun asked while pragya looks at him. " but tell me one took my car that day for shopping and  damaged it.."  pragya looks at tanu who nods her head in no." Woh ..I was the one but I didn't's almost the opposite person's fault..he purposely  drove towards our car. .." Arjun looks at her and smiles saying " but it's ok..I never worried for that..but next time b  carefull..I don't want you to see like this again.." pragya nods saying " can we go out..please..I need to feel fresh air.." Arjun replies as your wish madam and both leaves from there..

       PRAGYA and arjun reached a restaurant as pragya asked him to take her for a hotel as she is hungry. Both settled down while arjun orders for pragya . She smiles at his care and she offers for him. Both were chatting about random things as they find sometime private for the things to share as pragya wants him to stand on her side and arjun too wants her to be his princess. PRAGYA looks around while her sight falls on a couple kissing each Other. It looks like the girl's face is not clearly seen  (its almost not clear ) as pragya could see only the back of boy's.  She sighs arjun to see and both laughs at them. Somewhat she feels the person is close to her and was lookig at them.the boy and girl was about to leave when pragya looks at them she was shocked. ...

Screen flashes between her shocked face...

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