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                  Arjun ,pragya and tanu were travelling while arjun looks at pragya who looks upset

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Arjun ,pragya and tanu were travelling while arjun looks at pragya who looks upset . Arjun says so someone is missing someone. He eyes at tanu through the mirror as arjun and pragya are sitting infront and tanu at back.tanu understanding his plans asks who in her innocent voice. Arjun looking at pragya says you don't know..tanu nods no. Pragya quite sad says guys..stop pulling my legs ... I m really fed up . Tanu in fear ,Arjun don't dare to mess with this girl. Both laughs and arjun says know what both abhi and riya will do crazy things like this..don't think can't sleep today.. pragya somewhat relaxed and they reached their hostel. They both gets down and arjun leaves back to hospital. PRAGYA drains in her thoughts. What riya tried to say she really said abhi and covered up when abhi came or it's a co incidence. Oh god..why this happens to me only..I don't know what's really happening around me.tanu looks at pragya who was just standing there lost . Tanu, pragya. .what happened? . Pragya ,nothing...just lost in thoughts.tanu,are you hiding something from me. Pragya in shocked tone, are asking like this..tanu ,why I feel like you are hiding something..while saying this tanu stands to arrange the bed.PRAGYA suddenly grabs her hand making her to gasp and makes her to sit . Tanu ,now what..i am right na. .PRAGYA nods yes and hugs her. She is in verge of crying and tanu pays her asking what happened..did you spoke with riya. PRAGYA breaks the hug saying yes..I did and explained her . Tanu, may be you are over thinking. You know right, they both are best friends and sometimes it may look as if they are in better stop thinking and come let's sleep . PRAGYA ,you think ...she is just his friend. Tanu, then what..see..abhi proposed you it means there is no feelings other than friendship for riya and moreover he loves you silly..if riya loves's her problem as she is the third person in your love aS you both love each other. PRAGYA thinks for a time and says you are right.. but ...before pragya could talk further tanu lies down and pulls pragya near her and switched the lights off. PRAGYA laughs at her and tanu senses it and hugs her from behind saying dont worry..everything will be fine soon and closed her eyes. PRAGYA drifts to sleep because of tiredness..

Next morning all were in college . Abhi quite irritated ,where is this pragya...tanu..where is she? Tanu, where she will be..she went to library. Abhi,if the world comes to end also..she will never come out of that library.. all laughs.purab in teasing tone, so you miss her..Abhi looking at purab, did I said so..i miss her..he smiles saying never.arjun, accept abhi's clearly visible in your eyes. All were laughing when pragya comes there. She senses something wrong as all were laughing looking at her. PRAGYA looked herself twice and sighs what...tanu, arey..your pyaari abhi was madly searching you..where you went... purab in pragya's voice , I went to library.. arjun in abhi's voice, you didn't informed me ..and you are going as didn't remember about me madly I all search you..all were laughing. NIKKIL, meri dialogues. PRAGYA looks at him in anger and abhi was smiling at their antics. Tanu,woh. .someone is getting anger..chalo. .before she burst into a volcano..purab,I am afraid of volcano. .Arjun laughing, guys..stop it..let's leave as they will have many things to speak. PRAGYA quite in anger, there nothing like that can stay I am leaving to class. She turns to leave but abhi holds her hand.he pulls her towards the corner while all left leaving them alone. They are all alone now and Abhi in anger, I am seeing you from are showing attitude in me ..what's your problem..PRAGYA turns from his side saying nothing like that..Abhi,what happened are just ignoring me. PRAGYA now looking at him ,it's not like that..Abhi ,then..pragya, I am quite anger on you.. Abhi ,for what..PRAGYA,you didn't come to drop me know how I feel..I feel like I am losing you.. Abhi now to normal mood holds her shoulders asking what..I asked you right....I have to come or not but you were busy in naming ceremony. Pragya, kya. .and she remembered that she calls arjun as mr. India and pulling abhi's leg as not to compare with him.PRAGYA holding her ears says sorry but you would have know I couldn't sleep well yesterday without hearing your good night. Abhi, I am sorry. .it's my mistake..PRAGYA ,now promise me will drop me forever and will accept what ever I say..without dening. Abhi ,it seems I am getting traped by my own love. PRAGYA, you don't have faith on me..Abhi ,no ..nothing like that..i complelty trust you ..I can do anything for you..he promised her and pragya hugs him saying thank you..Abhi too hugs her saying so it's my mistake as a punishment ...he breaks the hug and looks at pragya. PRAGYA in eager tone, you gonna take me for dinner. Abhi nods no..PRAGYA, then shopping..Abhi again nods no..PRAGYA then what..Abhi ,remember your punishment when you hurted me..pragya suddenly turns crimson red and abhi moves towards her. Pragya keeps a hand between them saying it's only applicable for me mr .akadu..Abhi with irritating tone ,me ...akadu...pragya you are disgusting in keeping names for everyone..pragya laughs at him saying come on rockstar..I know you are expert in these..Abhi by pulling her towards him , if that so..soon we will find names for our kids. He nuzzled her neck to which pragya closed her eyes and holds his collars tightly. Not able to open her mouth she just moaned abhi..Abhi bitting her earlobes, you much a missed you..and will show you what will akadu do when he was irritated by someone.. pragya , abhi....Abhi looks at her lips and her eyes .she just closed her eyes pulls abhi towards her.Abhi pressed his lips on her and both were kissing beyond everything. Abhi opens her zip down with his hands while she was busy in kissing and he succeeds and pulls the sleeves down.he moves towards her bare skin which is visible for him till her shoulders and starts to kiss her impatiently. PRAGYA leans back to enjoy and abhi pulls her sleeves further exposing her upper part. Abhi touched her left breast and was lost in it. PRAGYA opens her eyes and looks at the spot where abhi is touching her. She immediately pushed his hands but abhi is not in mood to leave her. He now replaced his lips and starts to kiss ker. PRAGYA was trying her best to move him but all in vain. Abhi now was about to remove her strap when pragya pushed him with full force. She closed her zip and looks at him. Abhi realising what happened now..just tried to speak with pragya.pragya in stern voice ,it's okay. Abhi tries to hug her but pragya steps back.she says without looking at him ,I am leaving now..Abhi pulled her towards him saying have a good day and pecked her lips. PRAGYA smiles at him nodding her head and leaves.

Hope you enjoyed....thanks to everyone...
Will be continued....

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