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I know you guys are waiting to know it's pragya or lets see whats gonna happen...getting into the story..

        There prevailed a silence. All were eagerly waiting to know the person as the tension is more for pragya and riya.
Riya in her mind,  abhi..don't tell it's pragya..then all my hard works will go she closed her eyes praying . While pragya just looks at him without taking her eyes from him.she wants to hear her name but now she is afraid of his anger and she thinks it's may be riya as she had supported him from his childhood. Purab shouts come on abhi..this much suspense..tell fast..nikkil shuts his mouth saying he will just control yourself. Abhi breaking his silence , its better to make the person come to this stage. He slowly walks off from the stage..everyone's eyes is on him as whom he gonna introduce.  And the lights go off...everyone gestures in irritation while after few seconds a dim light with a beautiful background was set. Everyone looks at the stage and abhi comes there with a girl who is sitting in wheel chair. Abhi smiles looking at the girl and arjun ,nikkil ,tanu ,pragya, riya were shocked. Tanu murmers to nikkil , arey ..who is she.. arjun mutters AAHNA.....pragya ,kya who is she..?? Arjun , you  itself will soon come to know.. pragya looks back at abhi.
He was continuously smiling and AAHNA was smiling at him. Pragya was now more curious to know who is she. Abhi ,I all are wondering who is she..why abhi took her to stage but it's time to introduce her to this world. She is none other than my sister AAHNA.  Now I am standing's because of her. PRAGYA thinks he told it's because of riya but now what he is blabbering..
Abhi ,yes many of them helped to attain this position but without my passion ,my intrest I could stand here right..and it was given by my choti..she is the reason behind this rockstar. None know she is my sister because she never want to disclose it and she got a promise from me that I should never introduce her to the media as she is my sister before becoming a rockstar. Now..I am a rockstar right...and I thought to intro her to the whole world in this concert. This concert is close to my heart as you guys know it's my first international concert that too in our Mumbai. I am feeling happy as her brother.. to tell about her many things are there.. she is quite little girl who used to be calm but she is more sensitive. And her legs were parslysed in an accident and she could not walk. But she never lost her hope..still she have a hope that she will walk one day..she is my inspiration. .she opened my eyes , my passion towards music.  And he gets tears . He wipes saying i was about to lose her with my parents but somewhat I saved her and she is my life and i am proud to be her brother and i am blessed to have a sister like her in my life. He hugs her and whole people starts to clap their hands and abhi breaks his hug smiling widely. PRAGYA remains silent and was crying without her sense. Arjun sensed that and wiped her tears saying this is the real truth of abhi..he is alive because of his sister. Aahna gets Mike from him saying hello guys..I am not that much good in speech like my bro..all I want to thank you for your constant support for him..without you guys...he can't achieve this..I am proud to get a brother like him..she says with a wide smile and abhi holds her hands nodding his head. ALIYA runs to the stage and hugs aahna and abhi says there she is my another little sister. Aliya too hugs abhi saying you did it bhai..I am happy for you.. Abhi takes aahna and aliya to back stage and all starts to disperse. Tanu ,chalo ..let's go and meet our rockstar...and the new person too..pragya was the first to run to his green room. All followed her and moreover riya smiled saying drama is going to start.. all reached there but sees abhi leaving in his car. Pragya looks disappointed not more than riya who was waiting for abhi's reaction. Purab, how can he go as such and looks at pragya.
PURAB in convincing tone , oh meri doll..don't worry..everything will be fine soon..I know he is quite busy in aahna's health ..that's it..we will sort out better go to hostel..nikkil ..drop them yaar. Nikkil ,ha..come let's go. PRAGYA nods her head and leaves with nikkil and tanu.

     Arjun  and purab reached their flat and was shocked to see abhi sitting in hall with a side lamp on and most worst thing is he drinking. Arjun forwards to abhi saying ABHI. .you did it man. He hugs him but abhi pushes him with much a force which made him to loose his balance and finally he lands om floor. Abhi turns opposite side and closed his eyes in anger. Purab helping arjun to stand asking what happened to you abhi..why you are behaving like this.. pagal ha tum..Abhi shouts haa... purab and arjun was shocked to see abhi's anger as he never raised his voice like that. But arjun consoles him by placing his hands on his shoulders saying bro..come I think you are drunken more..let's take a nap and will speak about this . Abhi pushes him again to which purab shouts ...purab, what's your problem abhi..I am seeing you from the are in anger..why.. Abhi takes the photos from the table and throws on their faces saying purab..see this and then you will understand. PURAB takes the photos and was shocked to see abhi and pragya's pics . Arjun , abhi..yeh.. abhi holds his collars saying i thought you more than my friend my brother but you betrayed me..tum mujhe dhokha diya...
Arjun,'s not like that. PURAB, abhi...i think you misunderstood..
Abhi looking at arjun ,meri pragya woh .. mere pyaar hai, lekin tum yah mujh se chheen liya( she is my love but you snatched her from me..) ...main tumhe nahin chhodoonga( I will not leave you..).He starts to hear him..Arjun stops purab and asked abhi to beat him but to listen to him once . Abhi stops beating him says wait...ab main samajh gaya ki woh kyon mere propose nahin kiya. ( now i understand why she didn't propose me).
PURAB in anger moves abhi from arjun says stop blabering abhi.. Abhi , no purab ..she never loves me.. she loves arjun. Arjun shouts ,stop talking bad about her.. otherwise main nahin jaanata ki mujhe kya karana hoga ( I don't know what I will do). Abhi by placing his hand around purab's shoulder says see much can see right..I misunderstood purab.. looking at arjun he asked,  dard ho raha hai.. ( it's hurting ha? ). Arjun shouts are crossing your limits. Abhi in anger,then just get out from here. Purab, abhi..what you are saying.. Arjun looks on . Abhi , I said her out. Arjun walks to his room and takes his bags and packs it. Purab followed arjun and asked him not to leave. Arjun ,purab..I am leaving..thats don't worry..the friendship between us remains the same.purab hugs him saying miss you bro...Arjun breaks the hug and leaves from there.  Abhi sits lost on the sofa and screen flashes between abhi's anger face and arjun's sad face...

I know never expected twist ..I was about to tell it's riya but a crazy idea popped after reading your comments..I never want this to go on as real kkb. this twist..hope you enjoyed as I didn't want to separate abhigya. And guys introducing aahna will bring a twist and keep guessing about pragya and  arjun's let's see in upcoming episode..

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