chapter 36

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Continues with the last chapter...

" I want to go abhi..don't make me hard to move away from you.." pragya says as she pushed abhi and gets up. She adjust her duppatta and takes her bags. Tears  we're rolling from each other's eyes." Let's see what's the Destiny has decided for us abhi.." pragya says as abhi looks at her with tears." I am not going to stop you I know you can't go against your ma..but remember onething that your love will be waiting for you..." abhi says as he hugs pragya from behind .pragya closed her eyes as she could not stand for a second to feel the pain. She turns towards abhi and hugs him. " please stay like this for sometime na .." abhi asked while burrying his head near the crook of her neck. " I have to go abhi..please leave me.." pragya says as she breaks the hug. She takes her bag and walks taking back steps looking at abhi.

Watch this's just amazing...I thought to share with you guys..and whole credits goes to the uploader ..

        PRAGYA walks out of the mansion where sarla and arjun was waiting. She walks out as a lifeless girl and arjun rushed to her. " pragya..listen to me..don't take such a big step by leaving him..let's convince ma .." arjun tells as he takes the bag from pragya. " no is right..I did a sin and I don't want to hurt her more..let it don't interfere in this.." pragya tells as arjun feels a pain while her words hurts him. He looks at pragya who walks towards sarla ma." Ma ..I left everything...I am leaving everything..sirf apke liye. .." pragya burst out while sarla looks at her with tears. " arjun , please drop us in airport.." arjun looks at her blankly as sarla again asked " can't you hear..oh..if you can't drop us. .we will go by our self " sarla tells while pragya stands there with tears. " it's not like that ma ..i will drop you both.." arjun tells and opens the car door for pragya. She gets in and sarla too..arjun wipes his tears and leaves from there .

Abhi sits on the bed looking at their picture while saying why left me..I can't stop I don't have any relation with are one who understood me but now there is no one for me..I am all alone this the punishment for me.. why should I live without you..I don't know how I am going to live without you..I never thought a life like that..yes..why should I live after you left .... I will punish myself.. He sees the knife near his bed and takes it.but I wish that you should never try to know about me..I know you can't take it after hearing I am dead..but I can't live in this world which is filled with hatred...abhi closed his eyes and thinks about pragya..I am sorry pragya..he remembers their happy moments and says I love you...he takes the knife towards his hand and everything blurs out....

   " ma..where we are seems that it's not out flight.." pragya asked as they reached airport. " we are not are leaving from here..take's your passport,vissa and ramu uncle's him once you reach there.." sarla says as she handed everything. PRAGYA looks at arjun who looks at her clueless." But why should I go there.." pragya asked while sarla replies " you have to's my wish.." sarla tells by holding her hand." I don't want you to destroy your life as I did long years back..I loved your pappa during college days and see how I am suffering because of him..i don't want you to go with the please concentrate on studies..and let's see afterwards ... " sarla completed while pragya hugs her. " ma..please don't cry are my strength..what will I do if you broke down infront of me.." pragya says while wiping her tears .  " I will go ma..don't worry..take care of your health.." pragya tells and hugs arjun and  says  " thank you for everything..I got a bhai..and I am happy that he loves me a lot..thanks for everything.." arjun too hugs her and says " I am always with you me if you need my help.." pragya nods her head and breaks the hug. She waves bye to both of them and leaves from there with tears.

  " abhi..what you are doing?..." abhi heard riya's voice and his blood boiled. " what you are about to do .. ." Riya says as she got the knife from abhi's hand. " don't show your fake concern to are the reason for everything..because of you pragya left are thinking that I don't know nothing..but I know everything riya...pragya told everything to me..I am feeling ashamed of having a friend like are not to be said as a friend for me.." abhi blurts out his anger while riya tries to hold his hand. " don't dare to touch me...I am mad at you..please leave from here..I don't know what I will do if you stand sometime for here..." riya leaves as abhi's words made her fear...

   PRAGYA sits on her seat and tries to put her seat belt but she could not...her thoughts were only on abhi as she could not even think what she is doing. " may I help you.." pragya heard someone's voice hear her and looks at the person." Hey ..I am are pragya right..." pragya nods her head in confusion. " sarla ma asked me to take care of you as you are new to London..don't worry..I will take you everywhere when we both are free..." pragya smiles at him and looks other side through the window. She prays to god that abhi should be fine and closed her eyes...

Screen shifts between abhi's face and pragya's face...

So this will be an end...I know it's not..let's see..what happens next...

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