chapter 64

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Hello guys... as I am handling many stories , I thought to end this story and when I was checking I found that only two parts left to complete 65 and I am too have no thoughts of writing this and it lost its charm days before hence the next one will be the last chapter with an epilogue but I didn't planned for it still now. So guys ... it's my first story in wattpad..quite touching one where I found many people around me .. but it should have an end right..

" They accidentally met , realised their love for each other,  stood for each other in hard times... all happened accidentally but not their love.." 

coming back to the story ...

Abhi looked at pragya who sighed him not to do like this but he gave a weak smile assuring that he will be happy by accepting her blunder.

" ABHISHEK MEHRA. .. you are under arrest.. we found out that you have killed karan " inspector said holding his wrist.

" what.. I saw karan few days back and why should abhi kill him.." tanu asked furiously .

" will you keep quite "nikkil asked her to be quite while she rolled her eyes in anger.

" what ?? Karan is dead !!how could be and why should abhi ..." ritika asked the inspector to explain who asked the other constable to bring something from his car.

" no ..he didn't do anything... I was the one who killed him.. if you want to arrest...then arrest me.." pragya shouts while abhi asked her to be quite .

" are you mad pragya ... just keep quite.." tanu yells at her and asked arjun and purab to do something. Aliya and bulbul tells pragya to calm down as nothing will happen to him as her love for him will save him.

" she is worried about me and that's why speaking like this... yes I am the one who killed him..arrest me.." Abhi said.

" why you are accepting it Abhi when I was the one to be arrested?  " pragya shouts at abhi nearing to him. Her eyes lost the glow that he saw few minutes back and filled with tears only for him.

She knew it's waste of time to talk with him as he didn't opened his mouth so pragya turned to the inspector.

" what proof you have that he killed him..I am saying na..i only killed him.." Pragya fumed in anger.

Abhi pulled her to asking to keep quite.

" we have proofs madam.." the inspector said and handles to her while she was shocked seeing it.

" how it could be.." she looked at abhi who nod his head asking her to accept it.

Why he have to do like this ? I know he care for me but what's the need for this. They found his ring on the spot while the cctv photage shows him coming into the caravan. But it was before that and I could not see me. I saw abhi smiling at purab that's when I realised that they had deleted the video.

" why did you deleted it ? " pragya asked him to which abhi replied " i didn't as already it got repaired..." .

She was not convinced but yes there might  be a way where the camera was already repaired by someone.

" this photage we can see abhi entering the caravan and then it gets repaired . The postmodern report too says the time similar to that period and the ring was also found there .. so what else we need.." the inspector asked Pragya.

" let's go Mr. Mehra .." the inspector tells while pragya stopped them. " i want to talk with him for few minutes.." she said while he allowed her to go ahead.

Pragya pulled him towards the corner as she bursted out while abhi hugs her close to him. Both shed their silent tears unable to speak anything while pragya breaks the big after few minutes.

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