chapter 12

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Thanks guys for your wonderfull support..I wish to update more but I could not give updates more than one in a day and please do check "jab we met" and also new book " the fault in our stars" .

It's a bright morning , all were busy in their daily schedules while one is standing near the bed looking at her outfits with quite confused face. PRAGYA looks at her dresses and says pragya..he is a rockstar ...come have to match his class.many girls will be coming there but his eyes should be on you..that time her phone rings. Pragya gets irked and says this phone bhi na ..and smiles after seeing the caller id.
PRAGYA picking the call ,ha...tell me why you called..
Abhi , kuchh pyaar ke saath poochhana( you can ask me with some love na). Pragya smiling, why did you called me sweetheart..
Abhi with a smirk ,why you are acting for 500 rupees when you are paid only 50.
PRAGYA,you called me to say this and by the way 500 rupee note is now invalid.
Abhi ,ha..they are printing new notes and listen..i am not in mood to fight with you.pragya, what you mean..I am pulling you for a fight .
Abhi ,arey meri ma..I called you asking you will come today na.PRAGYA,yes..I will come..Abhi , for that only I called you..I have a big suprose for you..PRAGYA ,what..tell me na..
Abhi ,I am saying it's a suprise ..wait untill madam.
PRAGYA, are making me restless.
Abhi smiles and says whatever you say...I am not going to reveal..ok bye..
Pragya ,ok bye and cuts the call.
Pragya sits on the bed thinking about his suprise when tanu comes there.
Tanu, what happened pragya..why are you sitting like this.
Pragya looks at tanu saying i am confused tanu what to wear and suggest me na.tanu sitting beside her tells everything suits you but you can try western outfit . Pragya ,no i am not going to try that..tanu,please your love will not take his eyes from you.pragya blushes and says no means no..I will not wear such dresses. Tanu, then wear whatever you want..but keep onething in mind ,there will be many girls showing off and then you should not complain to me. Pragya nods no and says I am wearing something that is comfortable for me..tanu,as you stop eating my brain..pragya chuckles and holds her cheeks saying my cutie pie..tanu smiles saying you are becoming naughty day by day..only abhi can handle you..pragya nods her head while tanu says I am leaving ....

In evening, pragya and tanu reaches the venue. Pragya ,tanu..where is this idiot.tanu in anger ,you are calling nikkil as idiot. Pragya ,arey baba. .purab...he asked me to wait as he said he will pick up. Tanu looks around while she sees nikkil and arjun coming towards them.tanu,they are here..pragya looks at them and smiles.
Pragya, where is Mr. Romeo..
Arjun,he is with abhi..
Pragya, oh... nikkil , you are looking pretty pragya. Pragya thanks him.nikkil , please teach tanu also about Indian styles. Pragya is wearing a pink Saree with matching accessories and light makeup. Tanu is wearing a white knee length dress with light makeup.
Tanu, it means I am not looking pretty.
Pragya and arjun looks at each other.
NIKKIL ,did I say like are looking beautiful...and tries to hug her but tanu pushed him.
Tanu, dont dare to come near me..
Pragya, arey why are you fighting with my brother. NIKKIL and pragya puys hifi.
Tanu , both continue your drama I am leaving..she was about to move and looks at nikkil.
Tanu smiling ,if I say to abhi what you said just before na..that compliment..he will break your bones..
NIKKIL ,arey meri ma..dont do like that..
Arjun and pragya laughs while nikkil takes tanu with him.

Arjun, are looking gorgeous..pragya smiles at him.
Pragya, where is he.. Arjun looking around asks who..pragya blushes and says abhi.. Arjun ,woh ..he is in green room we can't see him so let's take our seats. He surrounds his hands around her shoulders and says let's go my princess. Pragya laughs at him and someone captures their pictures. They both moves to the concert area..

All takes their respective seats . Pragya in centre with arjun on her left side ,tanu on her right and nikkil next to tanu and purab at last. Riya comes there and sits beside arjun. Riya looks at pragya who laughs at purab's joke and thinks much you can..because after this concert everything is going to come to an end. And after that abhi will be mine and you will be out of our lives.
Get thoughts were disturbed by the anchor's voice .
Hello..young mens and beautiful ladies so i am proud to welcome you all to this show.. I know you are eagerly waiting for put your hands together to welcome our abhi the rockstar...

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