chapter 31

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Oh ho...back with an update..I know all are eager to know who is that pair and moreover I tried to upload this on Feb 14 but I could not due to heavy loads of with no bak baks let's get into the story...

             " what he thinks of himself can he do like this to me? " pragya thinks while getting down from the car. Arjun noticed her and asked " what happened to you yaar look disturbed..and we returned soon..are you fine .." pragya smiles forcibly saying " ya. ..I am fine..I just need to take rest.." Pragya leaves from there while arjun meets tanu and nikkil fighting near the garden.he thinks " these two can't even stay calm for a minute too.." he smiles seeing them and leaves inside  . PRAGYA was on her way to her room when someone stops her . PRAGYA looks at the person and she becomes happy." Oh..god.. I was searching for you from the becoming..finally you are here.."  she hugged the person while the person replies " thank remember me..buddhu .." PRAGYA smiles asking how can i forget you sweety and how are is your soon to be husband..sweety replies with a blush , ya ..he is good.. pragya chuckles at her saying seems to be blushing.. someone called sweety so she left after assuring her to spend some time.again pragya becomes sad and she leaves to her room. She sits on the bed with her favourite book and starts to read. Tanu ,nikkil ,purab , arjun comes there. " why you came so soon.." purab asked while passing her glass of juice but pragya refused for it." I felt tired so I am you have any problem.." she glares at purab while purab says " cool pragya..I just asked you..that's it.." pragya looks at purab in a guilty look while he nods his head that he is ok . Abhi comes with the shopping bags followed by riya and she was smiling . All looks confused at her as she is smiling continuously and pragya looks at her in anger. " what look happy.." purab asked uninterested but pragya says " the thing is  nothing ..its because of him.." she points at abhi while he looks suprised. Abhi sits near pragya while asking " can you please get me a coffee.." pragya says " why you are asking me when there is someone to give everything.." she eyes at riya while abhi looks confused. Abhi in confused tone " who is there..and why you are blabbering. .see I know you are in anger but I just irritated you..nothing more than that.." Abhi tells while trying to keep his head on her lap but pragya pushed him and gets up. She shouts " am I looking like a fool for you.." everyone looks at her suprised as none expected her anger. She was in the peak of anger while abhi gets up looking shocked. Abhi almost shattered " what happened..why you are speaking like this.." he nears pragya but she stopped him." Enough of your fake concern..I am not a toy for you..I know what you did today with her in that restaurant. ." Arjun intreputs her asking " he was there.." pragya nods her head saying " and the biggest thing is..what he did woth riya .." Abhi looks at pragya while tanu " what you are where did riya comes from.." pragya with tears in her eyes " arjun..I showed a couple kissing right's none other than ....he and riya.  ..first I didnt know  its him as I could not see both the faces but when they leave..I saw them.." she brokes down while arjun holds her. " how can you be like this abhi.." Arjun asked while consoling pragya. " enough of your stupid talks you think i will do like that ...that too with can you think like misunderstood as there was some dust in her eyes so I just helped her but you ...what you thought...that I will behave like can you think.." Abhi looks at her with tears in his eyes while pragya looks at him. " I don't know what made you to think.." he kneels before her while pragya tries to touch him but he stopped her " I just wanted to gift you as I irritated you I took her with me but what you thought about me..I could not digest it..." Abhi brokes down while he leaves from there throwing the gift on the floor. PRAGYA tries to stop him but he pushed her hand and leaves. " go pragya..he is in only can console him.." nikkil tells while arjun says "go before..he does something. ."  PRAGYA runs from there and reached the terrace where abhi was standing by looking at the pragy knows it's her mistake and abhi feels lowered as how could she think about him like that.. pragya hugs him crying " I am sorry..I am sorry abhi..I am can I think about you like that..but my situation made me to think like that..I am feeling ashamed of thinking like that...I am sorry..." Abhi breaks the hug while pragya looks confused. " I could not think about anyone rather than you..I was about to tease you but what you just hurted me more.." Abhi tells while looking away from her face but pragya makes him to look at her. " I was can I think like that..but I too have a reason.." Abhi looks at her asking what you said." It's because of riya as she challenged me that you will propose her that too infront of my could I see that when you are with I just bursted out ....I am sorry.." pragya hugs him while abhi looks ar her confused.....

Sorry I could not update more and I am really sorry for making it abhi and riya and moreover it was needed so that riya's truth will be out..soon abhi will find out about riya but let's see what Destiny decides. ..

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